Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)
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Saint Joseph Protection difficult causes spiritual warfare against bitter enemies Forgiveness Saints Critical situation
I beseech you,
O glorious Saint Joseph,
by the fatherly heart
that God gave you for his Son,
and by the heart of a Son
that Jesus had for you,
to take special care
of the sanctification of my soul;
Be yourself my director,
my guide, my father and my model
in the spiritual life
and in the path
of perfection which I have embraced;
so that, following in your footsteps
I may attain the happiness of the elect
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
So be it.
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Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary, is a special saint because he received from God the mission to take care of Jesus and Mary.
St Joseph is recognised for his many virtues: justice, chastity, prudence, courage, obedience, fidelity, patience, humility...
Of all the saints," said Leo XIII in the encyclical Quanquam pluries, "he is the highest to heaven, after Jesus and Mary. St. Joseph is one of the few saints to be celebrated twice a year: on 19 March and 1 May.
Leo XIII officially named St. Joseph the "patron saint of heads of families and craftsmen" (1889).
You can pray to Saint Joseph for family, health and work problems. Prayers dedicated to his intercession to help find work work wonders. If you are looking for a job, a house, a soul mate, having a child, pray to St. Joseph.
St. Joseph is a great help in times of difficulty. If you are not answered quickly or as you wish, you will certainly obtain, in one way or another, advice, consolation, more faith, hope and charity.
Find on touteslesprieres.com, through the keyword Saint Joseph, all the prayers destined to Saint Joseph.
See all the prayers of the theme: Saint Joseph
Protective prayers are prayers that aim to protect from the action of the forces of evil, as the name suggests. The minions of the evil one and all their spawn spend all their time attacking the children of God. By praying regularly for divine protection, you place yourself under the protection of the Most High, the One who is above all, the One before whom every knee bends. Thus, by praying the prayers of protection, God annihilates for you, in one way or another, all the attacks of malevolent forces.
By using God's power to protect you, you can embark on your endeavours with confidence that you will succeed, because God will deal with the negative forces that would try to harm you.
We all know the adage that says "the enemy never sleeps". touteslesprieres.com gathers through the keyword protection, all the prayers of protection which can be useful for you for this or that situation of the life.
With these prayers, have recourse with assurance to the protection of the Almighty who will strike down all entities that would try to obstruct your projects and your undertakings.
See all the prayers of the theme: Protection
Prayers for difficult causes are effective for complicated, desperate or difficult cases. Situations where all seems lost.
If you are going through complicated times, if you think you have already tried everything and your situation does not change, if everything seems to be going against you, try prayers for difficult cases. Pray with faith and fervour.
These prayers are usually attributed to certain saints whose intercession is infallible with God the Father or His Son Jesus Christ.
Whether it is under the intercession of St. Rita, St. Joseph, St. Anne, Padre Pio or other saints, testimonies are pouring in from people all over the world who have experienced the power of God through these prayers for difficult causes.
If you are living in difficult situations, if you have problems that you think are hopeless, if you are in despair over the unpredictable events of life, if you have searched for a long time but have not found what you were looking for, if you have lost the taste for life, try these prayers for difficult causes.
See all the prayers of the theme: difficult causes
See all the prayers of the theme: spiritual warfare
Bitter enemies seek to destroy you, to annihilate you. They are trying by all means to destroy you. For this, they use different means to achieve their objectives: slander, backbiting, theft, plots, bewitchment, attacking people who are dear to you, etc.
Prayer can help you face and overcome those bitter and ruthless enemies who, driven by hellish hatred, seek only your downfall or that of your loved ones.
Here are some prayers gathered on this page for this cause:
See all the prayers of the theme: against bitter enemies
Many of us have experienced offences that have shaken us so badly that it has not been easy to forgive. Frustrated, heartbroken and resentful, we wish harm and seek revenge. In these attitudes, we hurt ourselves even more. People with a certain knowledge of how things work tell us that refusing to forgive and wishing harm on those who have wronged us is like drinking poison and wishing that it is the people who have offended you who die.
By brooding over anger, frustrations and resentments every day, you are killing yourself. You are "committing suicide"!
It is better to FORGIVE. FORGIVENESS liberates, sanctifies, renews, gives inner peace and allows you to approach life's events more serenely. If you decide to forgive or ask for forgiveness sincerely, you will see the positive changes that will take place. Whatever damage you have suffered, forgive and entrust yourself to God who, through the Holy Spirit, will be able to inspire you and guide you in order to avoid or overcome the nuisances of malicious people.
Through this keyword "FORGIVENESS", we offer you prayers that will inspire you with the words to forgive and also to receive forgiveness.
See all the prayers of the theme: Forgiveness
Saints are divine creatures of different categories: Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Prophets and Martyrs, Apostles and Evangelists, Committed Laymen and Priests, Bishops and Popes, Heroes and Heroines of the faith, Virgins and Doctors of the Church, Beatified of the Lord...
See all the prayers of the theme: Saints
See all the prayers of the theme: Critical situation
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