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Prayer for HOLY WEEK


Prayer for HOLY WEEK

Sun 2 Apr 2023 AM | Thu 30 Nov 2023 PM


For Christians, Holy Week is the central focus of the liturgical year. At the end of the forty days of Lent, Christians commemorate Christ's fight against evil and his death on the Cross. Beginning on Palm Sunday, Holy Week ends on Easter night, before Christ's Resurrection. Orthodox Christians call it the Great Week.

In the Catholic Church, Holy Week opens with Palm Sunday and ends with the Easter Vigil. 


Throughout Holy Week, we offer the following prayers:



Prayer for HOLY WEEK




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Prayers at random:

● Prayer for a new year filled with success
●Psalm 5 :If you have a case to be resolved in court and you need the favor of a magistrate or a prince
●A Prayerto Unleash Healing
●Prayer for My Daughteron Her Birthday
●Prayer of Gratitudefor Life-Changing Friendship
●Psalm 48 :Future fate of the wicked and the righteous after death. To obtain wisdom and the fear of death.
●Prayerto protect themselves from the onslaught of demons
●Psalm 9Against the temptations of Satan, That the nations may be more just and upright
●Psalm 117 :Request for deliverance by God during a hard fight against the enemies. To raise up those who fall. To ask for prosperity.
●Psalm 9 :against the power of enemies and sure-fire remedy for boys who are weak in health
●Prayer of Gratitude to Jesusfor His Love and Sacrifice
●Prayer for Strengthto Resist Temptation
●Prayer to St. Ceciliafor Musical Collaboration
●Invocation to Saint Chamantagainst diseases of languor, to regain the appetite
●Praises in reparation for blasphemies
●Act of offering
●PrayerAgainst Temptation
●Psalm 88For the humiliation of the proud. Fall of the potentates; collapse of thrones. Against social inequities, looting and panics.
●Young people, entrust your journey to the Virgin Mary(Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI)
●Prayer for exams(saint Joseph de Cupertino)
●Prayer to Saint JustTo obtain a good judgment
●A Prayer For Grace -For the Family
●Act of Trustin Divine Mercy
●Invocation to Saint Berchariusto dispel dark thoughts and for all mental illnesses
●Prayer to Build a Good Character -For the Family
●Invocation to Saint Fraimbaultfor the healing of headaches, neuralgia and other pains

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