Prayers for money needs
Fri 7 Apr 2023 AM | Mon 24 Apr 2023 PM
In this day and age, money in our lives is an almost indispensable element for most people. To feed ourselves, to care for ourselves, to clothe ourselves, to educate ourselves, to rent or build a house, to buy a car, to deal with everyday problems, etc., we need money. Money, despite what some might think, is part of our well-being.
Many of us experience daily moments of anxiety related to the need for money. With social changes (unemployment, underemployment...), it is becoming more and more difficult for many of us. What to do? Some people choose the easy ways (illicit trafficking of all kinds, criminal activities, gambling, magical practices, etc.) which must be avoided at all costs and which we must not encourage. For these easy means always have negative consequences on the lives of the people who indulge in them and even on their families.
Life for human beings has never been a long quiet river without waves. Each one of us, on our way, meets obstacles that we must face with serenity and trust in GOD (the being above all). He sometimes acts in ways we do not expect.
"Ask and it will be given to you" (Mt. 7, 7).
If you have skills, theoretical and/or practical, that can be useful to society and can generate income for you, "Ask and it will be given to you"!
Below are some prayers for money needs.
Prayers for money needs
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