Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
Saints healing physical illnessesSaint Julian was the first bishop of Le Mans. He made several fountains of white water spring up in this country which did not have any. The inhabitants of the region, amazed by this prodigy, came to visit him and hear him preach in the name of Jesus Christ. Many were converted. The miracles became more and more numerous and the region was soon almost entirely Christian.
Receive favorably, Lord, the prayers that we present to you in honor of your blessed servant Saint Julian, and grant us, O my God, through his intercession and his merits, the health that we ask of you. We pray to you through Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.
Saint Julian, whom patients with phlebitis especially implore, pray for us.
Lead my steps in your ways, and inspire me with holy horror for the ways of sin. Never again let me follow the paths of injustice, but grant, by your grace, that I always choose those of truth. So be it.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
Saints are divine creatures of different categories: Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Prophets and Martyrs, Apostles and Evangelists, Committed Laymen and Priests, Bishops and Popes, Heroes and Heroines of the faith, Virgins and Doctors of the Church, Beatified of the Lord...
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See all the prayers of the theme: healing physical illnesses
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