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Prayers against bad luck


Prayers against bad luck

Thu 27 Apr 2023 PM | Thu 27 Apr 2023 PM


Bad luck is a phenomenon that each of us has certainly experienced. It manifests itself in various ways in our daily lives. Whether it is in the professional, family, emotional or relational sphere, bad luck, can affect all aspects of human life. Its basis is spiritual. And it manifests itself in life in different ways and its key word is FAILURE.


When almost everything you do almost always fails, even though you have the necessary skills and assets or have put in place all the elements needed for success, there is a high probability that it is bad luck

Many people, because of bad luck, live in constant anxiety, stress and frustration. 



What can be done to get rid of bad luck or bad luck?

There is no power above that of GOD. Whatever you are going through, never give up hope. Seek first to adopt a positive frame of mind and tell yourself that GOD has never abandoned any of His children. Persevere in your efforts and in prayer. 


Below are links to some prayers against bad luck.



Prayers against bad luck




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Prayers at random:

● Prayer for a new year filled with success
●Prayer to Saint Longinusagainst injuries caused by iron
●Prayerfor Unity among Nations
●Novena to Saint Michael the Archangelfor help in the fight against visible and invisible enemies; to save his soul on the day of judgment
●Prayer to Maryof Saint Maximilian Kolbe
●Prayer For Patienceand Peace In Marriage
●Psalm 60 :Prayer of an exile. Prayer in favor of a head of state. For a future inheritance.
●A Prayer to Understandthe Complexity of My Pain
●Prayer to Saint Joseph,our model in work
●Prayer at the beginning of the Rosary
●Hebrews 2This is the chapter that will make you triumph over doubt and discouragement
●Invocation to Saint Clarus the Hermitfor eye diseases
●A prayer of the heart (Guru Rinpoche)
●Prayer to the Most Holy TRINITYto obtain graces through the intercession of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
●Prayer of support to Saint Ritato ensure the harmony of a couple
●Prayer to Orgyen Rinpoche who
●Exorcism to Saint Michael (Prayer after Mass)
●Prayer to Saint Hyacinthto be protected from drowning
●Psalm 89For the dignity of man and his legitimate pride. To use his life well. Against human weaknesses, failures and troubles. For the love of work.
●A little litany for the sick
●Psalm 31 :To obtain forgiveness of sins. Against long and painful illnesses. Against floods. To choose a profession.
●Prayer to Saint Beatusagainst cancers
●Prayer for the maintenance of a dying person with his crucifix
●Invocation to Saint Stephenfor the healing of amnesiacs
●Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
●Lord, Renew My Heartand Mind

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