If you want love and goodwill from the people in your companies, you must read this psalm three times in succession after sunset remembering the Holy Name of RECHMIAL which means Great and Strong God of love, of grace and mercy.
Each time you say the prayer over a small amount of olive oil and anoint your face, hands and feet.
The letters composing the Holy Name are found in the words ADDIR verse 2, JEREACH verse 4, ADAM verse 5, MELOHIM verse 6, TANISCHILEHU verse 7.
The prayer is as follows: May it please you, O RECHMAIL, to grant me your love, grace and favor in the eyes of people according to your holy will. Amen SELAH!
Psalm 8
(8: 1) To the Chief Musician. On the guitthith. Psalm of David. (8: 2) O Lord our Lord! How magnificent is your name in all the earth! Your majesty rises above the heavens.
(8: 3) By the mouth of children and breastfeeders You have founded your glory, to confound your adversaries, to silence the enemy and the vindictive.
(8: 4) When I contemplate the heavens, the work of your hands, The moon and the stars which you have created:
(8: 5) What is man, that you will remember him? And the son of man, that you take care of him?
(8: 6) Thou hast made him a little lower than God, and hast crowned him with glory and magnificence.
(8: 7) You gave him rulership over the works of your hands; You put everything under his feet,
(8: 8) The sheep like the oxen, and the beasts of the field,
(8: 9) The birds of the air and the fish of the sea, All that walk the paths of the seas.
(8:10) O Lord our Lord! How magnificent is your name in all the earth!
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