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Prayer for deliverance from bad vibes to ward off bad luck

Updated : Sat 27 Apr 2024 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

Purification Luck evil eye against blockages against jealousy against bitter enemies
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, who sits at the right hand of God the Father, I beseech you by your Holy Name, to whose pronunciation every knee bends, to answer my prayer.

Lord God Almighty, deign to assist Me in my works to preserve this creature from all attacks and evil spells from the demons and evil spirits of which it is the prey.

Here is the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on which our salvation depends, which sows confusion among demons and evil spirits. Infernal demons, evil spirits, whoever you are, flee and disappear, for I beseech you by the Great living God. Whoever you are, filthy spirits, under whatever pretext you are called or forced by the threat of some wicked men to torment that humble creature of God, I implore you to leave it. By the True God, the Holy God,



Our Father and his beloved Son, I forbid you under any pretext whatsoever to harm him, either in body or in spirit. Let no vision, fear or dread, night or day, disturb him and let him act naturally. Frighten foul spirits if you resist my will, for I cast upon you the curse of the Almighty God who has defeated you and caused you to flee into the abyss. By the authority of the Most Holy Trinity I condemn you to return to your infernal abysses. If you have been invoked by force of command, by worship or by casting spells or by magic of words, perfumes, stones or herbs, I break, destroy, and annul your evil effects by the virtue of God the Father, by the wisdom of the Son, the Redeemer of all men, by the goodness of the Holy Spirit. In the name of Him who is, and ever shall be, let all hellish power be put to flight and destroyed by this sign of the cross.

By the grace of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of the Holy Angels, Archangels, Prophets, Apostles and Martyrs who have worshipped the Holy Name of God, Our Father, I command you to vanish foul spirits. May all the blessings of the Most High and Mighty God be extended upon his repentant creature. By the Virtue of the Holy Names Tetragrammaton, Jehova, Athanatos, I cast out evil spirits from you and no longer allow you to approach that creature who has the honor of bearing the sign of the Holy Cross. I command you in the name of the Eternal Father who reigns for ever and ever, to annihilate and destroy your evil spells.


By this power which He has given me to command you for His glory and for the good of His humble creatures and servants, I command you to depart from His creature. Flee and disappear at the sight of the Holy Cross and in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Here is the Cross of the Lord who was slain like a lamb to redeem our sins: flee from filthy enemies! By the sign of the lion of the tribe of Judas, hallelujah!

By the sign of Jesus of Nazareth, the victorious Christ who reigns at the right hand of his Father, Our Lord God Almighty, flee. And by the sign of Him who rules on earth as it is in heaven, vanish and do not approach that creature. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So be it.



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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

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Prayer of call to God
Novena to the Holy Spirit(to be done between Ascension and Pentecost)






Every day, through our activities and interactions with others and the environment, we get dirty in one way or another. Physically, we need to wash ourselves every day to cleanse ourselves, to remove all the dirt that would prevent us from feeling better.

Just as we get dirty physically, we also get dirty spiritually. We get dirty spiritually by our actions or indirectly by the malicious actions of others. Dirt" can thus be born from our sins, from bewitchments or from any other voluntary or involuntary action carried out with the aim of causing harm.




When we are "spiritually dirty", things do not always work out as they should. Some people will say that they are unlucky, unlucky. Biological illnesses, spiritual illnesses and problems of all kinds are always there as if called or attracted by a magnet. There is always an event or the action of others that will prevent the success of our undertakings.

In these unfortunate situations, we need to "spiritually cleanse" ourselves, to purify ourselves. Spiritual cleansing cleanses us from all defilement. It removes the dark veil that prevents us from living fully and darkens our energies, our inner light.

It is true that everyone can purify themselves through prayer and a healthy lifestyle that will attract positive energies and at the same time remove anything that could attract evil. However, there are cases that require the action of an experienced specialist (for example a priest for Catholic Christians). God, through the Holy Spirit, will work through him to pull out the roots of evil and, through your faith and constant prayer, you can complete this work.

We are gathering for you prayers with the keyword PURIFICATION, to enable you to renew yourselves from time to time and live your lives fully as true children of God.



See all the prayers of the theme: Purification




When you are lucky, things usually work out in the sense that you are more successful. You always arrive at the right time to benefit from this or that thing or situation. You meet the right people on your way. Generally speaking, you attract the right people, the right events...




It is true that there are people who are naturally born lucky. However, it also happens that bad people steal or turn this luck into bad luck.


How to attract luck?

Whether one is a believer or not, luck comes from the Most High. It is He who gives to those who ask for it, in one way or another. Our inner ways of being and doing play a big part in everything that happens to us.

There is an adage that says "If you draw the devil on the wall, he appears in your house".


If you want to attract luck to you, the work to be done starts within you. Learn to think positive first. When you pray, for example, really think about getting what you ask for. Believe. Have faith.


If you are experiencing repeated situations where you feel you are unlucky, offers prayers (psalms and other prayers) to enable you to ask the God-above-all to grant you luck in your projects or endeavours.

Think you have it and you will have it!


See all the prayers of the theme: Luck



evil eye

The evil eye is a kind of negative energy, a bad spell, a sometimes persistent misfortune that seriously harms happiness. Everything you do doesn't work. When you get somewhere, people look at you badly, they hate you for no apparent reason. It is as if you smell very bad (which is not totally false!).



We suggest some prayers that can help you get rid of the evil eye. And above all, we suggest that you always stay positive in your head. It is not because you are experiencing some difficulties that you have necessarily been cast a bad spell. Pray, be positive and persevere in the effort. Nothing is impossible to God, the Creator, the Almighty.


See all the prayers of the theme: evil eye



against blockages



See all the prayers of the theme: against blockages



against jealousy

Jealousy is one of the most devastating scourges, a source of conflict and unhappiness among human beings. Jealousy is an unhealthy passion in which some people take pleasure, bathe in it constantly and take it as a life goal.

Every sincere human being will tell you that he or she has ever been jealous. The difference between human beings in relation to jealousy is that, while some are carried away by it, others resist it and always push it away from them as soon as it arises, for example by adopting a healthy way of thinking.


Every true Christian resists jealousy and does not let it lead him. To be jealous for a true Christian is to put God on trial. It is God who gives each person sent to earth gifts, talents and all that is necessary to carry out their mission. When one commits oneself to allowing oneself to be invaded by jealousy, one is not only hurting oneself, but one is not sharing with the world, with society, what one has received from the Creator.

Some manifestations of jealousy

  • If you recognise yourself in these few examples, it would be important and life-saving for you to get rid of this unhealthy feeling.
  • If you envy or are jealous of the happiness, possessions, successes, qualities of others.
  • If you are joyful, if you revel in the misfortunes, miseries, setbacks etc. of others.
  • If you like to invent stories or distort facts by "spicing them up in your own way" with the aim of slandering, speaking ill of others.
  • If you are always trying to compare yourself to someone you know deep down is talented and/or exceeds you.

Knowing that we are on earth and that it would be utopian to think that all human beings would suddenly turn into benevolent beings, one should be careful and take into account that there will always be jealous people. There are effective prayers to preserve oneself from jealousy. gathers through the keywords "against jealousy", all the prayers that can be useful against jealous people and the manifestations of these jealousies.


See all the prayers of the theme: against jealousy



against bitter enemies

Bitter enemies seek to destroy you, to annihilate you. They are trying by all means to destroy you. For this, they use different means to achieve their objectives: slander, backbiting, theft, plots, bewitchment, attacking people who are dear to you, etc.

Prayer can help you face and overcome those bitter and ruthless enemies who, driven by hellish hatred, seek only your downfall or that of your loved ones.

Here are some prayers gathered on this page for this cause:



See all the prayers of the theme: against bitter enemies







1 Commentaires pour : Prayer for deliverance from bad vibes to ward off bad luck


Talie | Sat 18 Aug 2018 PM a écrit :

Oui je veux

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