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against jealousy Prayers

Added : Tue 28 Jul 2020 PM | Updated : Sun 23 Apr 2023 PM

Jealousy is one of the most devastating scourges, a source of conflict and unhappiness among human beings. Jealousy is an unhealthy passion in which some people take pleasure, bathe in it constantly and take it as a life goal.

Every sincere human being will tell you that he or she has ever been jealous. The difference between human beings in relation to jealousy is that, while some are carried away by it, others resist it and always push it away from them as soon as it arises, for example by adopting a healthy way of thinking.

Every true Christian resists jealousy and does not let it lead him. To be jealous for a true Christian is to put God on trial. It is God who gives each person sent to earth gifts, talents and all that is necessary to carry out their mission. When one commits oneself to allowing oneself to be invaded by jealousy, one is not only hurting oneself, but one is not sharing with the world, with society, what one has received from the Creator.

Some manifestations of jealousy

  • If you recognise yourself in these few examples, it would be important and life-saving for you to get rid of this unhealthy feeling.
  • If you envy or are jealous of the happiness, possessions, successes, qualities of others.
  • If you are joyful, if you revel in the misfortunes, miseries, setbacks etc. of others.
  • If you like to invent stories or distort facts by "spicing them up in your own way" with the aim of slandering, speaking ill of others.
  • If you are always trying to compare yourself to someone you know deep down is talented and/or exceeds you.

Knowing that we are on earth and that it would be utopian to think that all human beings would suddenly turn into benevolent beings, one should be careful and take into account that there will always be jealous people. There are effective prayers to preserve oneself from jealousy. gathers through the keywords "against jealousy", all the prayers that can be useful against jealous people and the manifestations of these jealousies.


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