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Act of abjuration To break the evil bonds originating from contact with the occult world

Updated : Mon 9 May 2022 PM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

Commentaires : 1 | You must register or login to post a comment.



To sever the evil bonds that originate from contact with the occult world in general, it is recommended to do - repeating the following act of abjuration several times. We will take in our hands a Crucifix with which we will draw large signs of the cross on ourselves while saying at the same time:

IN YOUR NAME, JESUS, and by the infinite merits of your Blood shed during the Passion, I ask You to break any hidden link contracted between the forces of evil and me. To do this, I renounce Satan and sin with all my might.



I renounce in particular (list as appropriate) the spirit of divination, magic, spiritualism; I renounce the spirits (say here, one after the other, the name of the occult science, of the sect, of the mage or of the demon to which one addressed) and of the evil spirit which prowls around me . May your Precious Blood flow over me, Lord, free me from all bonds, cleanse me from all evils and all traces of sin.
So that, finally free, I can glorify You now and in the ages of ages. So be it.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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1 Commentaires pour : Act of abjuration To break the evil bonds originating from contact with the occult world


Chmu | Mon 9 May 2022 PM a écrit :

Notre secours de trouve dans le mystère de la croix, le ssng de Jésus-Christ nous a racheté et nous a donné une nouvelle identité chrétienne. Désormais aucune force négative, maléfique ne peut avoir une emprise sur nous.

Au nom de Seigneur Jésus-Christ


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