Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)
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Virgin Mary Blessing inner healing Guide Forgiveness Purification Success wealth Spirituality eternal life
O Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal,
who wanted to appear
to Saint Catherine Labouré
as the Mediator of all graces,
listen to me,
I implore you!
I place in your maternal hands
all my intentions,
all my spiritual and temporal interests.
I entrust you with the grace
that I dare to ask for your kindness,
humbly begging you to talk about it
to your divine Son
and ask him to answer me,
if this grace that I implore
is in accordance with His will
and for the good of my soul.
After raising your pleading hands
to the Lord,
deign, O Mighty Virgin,
lower them on me,
wrap me in your rays of graces
so that in the light
and in the heat of these rays,
my soul emerges from things here below,
purifies and walks happily after you,
until the day you
welcome me at the gate of heaven.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a model for the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. She is known as the Mother of God (since 431 at the Council of Ephesus, because Jesus is at the same time the Son of God and God himself), Mary of Nazareth, the Blessed Virgin, the Holy Mary, the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady...
The Virgin Mary, like all the saints of the Church, intercedes for believers before God. She is the advocate of believers. Through prayer, the faithful can ask the Virgin Mary for faith, courage, strength, gentleness, humility, etc.
Find on touteslesprieres.com, all the prayers linked to the keyword Virgin Mary.
See all the prayers of the theme: Virgin Mary
A blessing is a grace, a favour granted by God. Through priests and all other people (religious, traditionalists or simple faithful) who may be at a certain moment in a state of benevolence to bless, it is always God Almighty who acts.
When a person is blessed, whatever good he or she does is bound to succeed, whatever the difficulties.
In everyday life, believers of all religions and beliefs often use blessed objects (bibles, candles, rosaries, crosses, etc.).
touteslesprieres.com gathers through the keyword blessing, prayers to ask for blessing, to bless places, objects of piety and everything that may require a blessing.
See all the prayers of the theme: Blessing
See all the prayers of the theme: inner healing
See all the prayers of the theme: Guide
Many of us have experienced offences that have shaken us so badly that it has not been easy to forgive. Frustrated, heartbroken and resentful, we wish harm and seek revenge. In these attitudes, we hurt ourselves even more. People with a certain knowledge of how things work tell us that refusing to forgive and wishing harm on those who have wronged us is like drinking poison and wishing that it is the people who have offended you who die.
By brooding over anger, frustrations and resentments every day, you are killing yourself. You are "committing suicide"!
It is better to FORGIVE. FORGIVENESS liberates, sanctifies, renews, gives inner peace and allows you to approach life's events more serenely. If you decide to forgive or ask for forgiveness sincerely, you will see the positive changes that will take place. Whatever damage you have suffered, forgive and entrust yourself to God who, through the Holy Spirit, will be able to inspire you and guide you in order to avoid or overcome the nuisances of malicious people.
Through this keyword "FORGIVENESS", we offer you prayers that will inspire you with the words to forgive and also to receive forgiveness.
See all the prayers of the theme: Forgiveness
Every day, through our activities and interactions with others and the environment, we get dirty in one way or another. Physically, we need to wash ourselves every day to cleanse ourselves, to remove all the dirt that would prevent us from feeling better.
Just as we get dirty physically, we also get dirty spiritually. We get dirty spiritually by our actions or indirectly by the malicious actions of others. Dirt" can thus be born from our sins, from bewitchments or from any other voluntary or involuntary action carried out with the aim of causing harm.
When we are "spiritually dirty", things do not always work out as they should. Some people will say that they are unlucky, unlucky. Biological illnesses, spiritual illnesses and problems of all kinds are always there as if called or attracted by a magnet. There is always an event or the action of others that will prevent the success of our undertakings.
In these unfortunate situations, we need to "spiritually cleanse" ourselves, to purify ourselves. Spiritual cleansing cleanses us from all defilement. It removes the dark veil that prevents us from living fully and darkens our energies, our inner light.
It is true that everyone can purify themselves through prayer and a healthy lifestyle that will attract positive energies and at the same time remove anything that could attract evil. However, there are cases that require the action of an experienced specialist (for example a priest for Catholic Christians). God, through the Holy Spirit, will work through him to pull out the roots of evil and, through your faith and constant prayer, you can complete this work.
We are gathering for you prayers with the keyword PURIFICATION, to enable you to renew yourselves from time to time and live your lives fully as true children of God.
See all the prayers of the theme: Purification
We all seek success in everything we do. Whether it is in our studies, our career, our relationships with others or life in society in general, success is for many the key to happiness. The road to success has never been without obstacles, pitfalls and difficulties.
The obstacles that can stand between us and success can be diverse. They may be natural or they may emanate from the malicious will of some equally malicious individual.
It is therefore important for believers to implore, to seek divine help in order to counteract the action of malevolent forces that would try to prevent the attainment of the goals of success.
Excel in your efforts, but first pray for the support of the Most High who always accompanies any success.
touteslesprieres.com gathers, through the keyword success, all the useful prayers that will inspire you to address the Lord God who inevitably leads... to success.
See all the prayers of the theme: Success
See all the prayers of the theme: wealth
See all the prayers of the theme: Spirituality
See all the prayers of the theme: eternal life
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