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Prayer to the Good Saint Anne for parishes

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

Saint Anne
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Happy Saint Anne, pray for us.

Happy Saint Anne,
we recommend our parish communities to you.
We pray for their pastor,
for pastoral workers and for all the faithful.
Your role is to lead us to Jesus Christ.
Give us a great love of the sacraments
which are the way he himself has mapped out,
so that we go to him.



Lead us to the table of the Eucharist:
one bread, the body of Christ,
will seal our union and nourish divine life in us.
Watch over the elderly:
relieves their sorrows, their illness.
Fill them with the joy of God.
Take charge of our young people,
put the love of the Lord Jesus in their hearts
and make them active members of our community.
Touch the hearts of those who have strayed
of the Christian community.
May they return to the Lord to live his life.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Prayer to the Good Saint Annefor the unit
Prayer to the Good Saint Anneto get a special favour





Saint Anne



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