Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
Burn a blessed candle in honor of Saint Beatus, each time this prayer is recited.
Saint Beatus, I am addressing you who meditated and prayed in your cave. You, to whom, by dint of prayers, God, in his goodness granted the Grace to work miracles, look at me. I am there, tired, plagued by this disease which every day kills me a little more.
With your support, Saint Beatus, I will be stronger tomorrow.
As of tomorrow, I will resume this fight against this insidious disease and I will take it back step by step, until it is extinguished and I resume my normal life.
For my part, I pledge myself, Saint Beatus, to do whatever is necessary for my body, to take the remedies of men and to pray every day with even more fervor.
I thank you Saint Beatus and ask you once again to accept this candle that I am burning in your honor.
Praise be to the name of the Lord, now and in the times to come.
So be it
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
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