Saint Joseph Prayers
Added : Tue 28 Jul 2020 PM | Updated : Sun 23 Apr 2023 PM
Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary, is a special saint because he received from God the mission to take care of Jesus and Mary.
St Joseph is recognised for his many virtues: justice, chastity, prudence, courage, obedience, fidelity, patience, humility...
Of all the saints," said Leo XIII in the encyclical Quanquam pluries, "he is the highest to heaven, after Jesus and Mary. St. Joseph is one of the few saints to be celebrated twice a year: on 19 March and 1 May.
Leo XIII officially named St. Joseph the "patron saint of heads of families and craftsmen" (1889).
Why pray to Saint Joseph?
You can pray to Saint Joseph for family, health and work problems. Prayers dedicated to his intercession to help find work work wonders. If you are looking for a job, a house, a soul mate, having a child, pray to St. Joseph.
St. Joseph is a great help in times of difficulty. If you are not answered quickly or as you wish, you will certainly obtain, in one way or another, advice, consolation, more faith, hope and charity.
Find on, through the keyword Saint Joseph, all the prayers destined to Saint Joseph.