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Invocation to Saint Desiderius for the healing of toothache

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Saint Desiderius is invoked to obtain healing from toothaches.
Saint Desiderius lived in the 6th century; he was born in the Lot department, in Gourdon, where he is venerated. Fired with the desire to serve God, he became a priest and his virtues amazed his fellow citizens. He lived on water and a crouton of bread. He tirelessly traveled through his parish, consoling, healing, soothing, always ready to relieve the unfortunate people who knocked on his door and who never left without having received material and spiritual benefits.



Do not deny your servant, O my God, the relief which I humbly implore in my sufferings; follow the movements of your infinite mercy, and cast your eyes on me, at the prayer of Saint Desiderius, whose assistance I implore, we beseech you through Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.
Saint Desiderius, who deliver from toothaches those who call upon you with confidence, pray for us.

Lord, obliged to live in the midst of a world which does not know you, exposed every day to its seductions, finding there to support my faith only examples capable of corrupting it, Lord, all my safety is in confidence that I have in you. You preserved the three Hebrews in the midst of the flames; go on, great God, he will protect me; keep my soul pure among all contagious objects, always ready to infect it. Each moment provides the world with new traps to seduce me; and my weakness every moment furnishes your mercy with new reasons not to leave it for a single moment to itself. You have early poured your love and your fear into my soul; preserve for me, Lord, this precious treasure, and shorten my days, if you foresee that by prolonging them I shall at last have the misfortune of letting me take it away and lose it. So be it.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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