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Marthe Robin Prayers

Added : Tue 28 Jul 2020 PM | Updated : Sun 23 Apr 2023 PM

Born on 13 March 1902 in Châteauneuf-de-Galaure and died on 6 February 1981, Marthe Robin was a French Catholic mystic. Crossing the 20th century, Marthe Robin radiates a love that transfigures her existence. In 79 years of a life marked by illness and progressive paralysis of her entire body, she testifies that love is stronger than suffering. Over the years, more than 100,000 visitors have flocked to her bedside, touched by her loving, attentive heart, which makes God present and leads to him, quite simply.

Marthe has suffered much and long: for 63 years, the encephalitis that struck her progressed in periods, then seemed to lose ground before a new outbreak left her sicker than before. Little by little, word spreads that, in this dark room on a farm in the Drôme, a young mystic kindly welcomes everyone's worries and trials, offering advice and encouragement. Crowds flock to the room. Martha transforms her pain into empathy for others, and her visitors come to her for consolation. Many of them even live an authentic experience of conversion.

Marthe Robin has never been able to leave the room of her native house in Châteauneuf-de Galaure. Yet even today, thousands of people all over the world are inspired by her example and find in the spiritual path she opened a nourishment for their lives. A paradox that can be likened to that of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus (the "Little Thérèse" of Lisieux) who, never having left her convent, became the patron saint of missionaries.

From the outside, Martha's life seems useless and, even worse, absurd. But she is transfigured by love, received from her union with God and generously given to others. She is at the origin of an immense work, of which the Foyers de Charité are the most visible part, perpetuating the mission of simply and warmly welcoming those who seek a halt to find the meaning of their lives. In Marthe Robin, it was in weakness and fragility that the power of God was deployed.

Here are a few prayers from Marthe Robin.


Prayers Novena
Prayers money
Prayers Abbot Julio
Prayers in the morning
Prayers evening
Prayers Virgin Mary
Prayers Saint Joseph
Prayers Protection
Prayers Find a job
Prayers for deceased
Prayers Purification
Prayers Success
Prayers Understanding
Prayers Liberation
Prayers Holy Spirit
Prayers Saints
Prayers Psalms
Prayers Self-confidence
Prayers Luck
Prayers Friendship
Prayers Jesus
Prayers Mercy
Prayers Chaplet
Prayers Saint Theresa of Lisieux
Prayers Litanies
Prayers Charlemagne
Prayers for the dying
Prayers Spirituality
Prayers Guide
Prayers Travel
Prayers Critical situation
Prayers Saint Expedit
Prayers Distress
Prayers Desperate Causes
Prayers against theft
Prayers family ties
Prayers secret
Prayers dream
Prayers incubi, succubi
Prayers poison control
Prayers evil eye
Prayers lawsuit
Prayers against jealousy
Prayers intuition
Prayers lost objects
Prayers infertility
Prayers baby
Prayers child
Prayers housing
Prayers alcohol
Prayers hijacked love
Prayers wedding ring
Prayers family
Prayers Blessing
Prayers defeat enemies
Prayers eternal life
Prayers against addictions
Prayers powerful prayers
Prayers Saint Rita
Prayers wedding
Prayers angels
Prayers thanksgiving
Prayers before lunch
Prayers after lunch
Prayers inner healing
Prayers anguish
Prayers Saint Anne
Prayers difficult causes
Prayers rosary
Prayers wealth
Prayers pregnant woman
Prayers Marthe Robin
Prayers spiritual warfare
Prayers against blockages
Prayers against bitter enemies
Prayers healing physical illnesses
Prayers slander
Prayers Jean Pliya
Prayers antes del trabajo
Prayers to be known by every good Christian
Prayers praise
Prayers canticles
Prayers to God
Prayers New Year
Prayers Forgiveness
Prayers Wellness
Prayers Justice
Prayers Resisting temptation
Prayers Padre Pio
Prayers Couple Life

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