Justice Prayers
Added : Sat 12 Feb 2022 PM | Updated : Sun 23 Apr 2023 PM
Is human justice always blind? To this question, people who have been wrongly accused and convicted despite their innocence by powerful enemies will answer with vigour, NO!
It happens that in our societies, which often reflect those who have power and where the law of the strongest reigns, people with power and/or money bring those they consider to be their enemies before the justice system, which is theirs. The latter, whose only crime is to be poor or not to have important connections like the former, are almost always convicted. In such cases, where injustice rules, the only thing left for these persecuted people is divine help.
If you are dragged before the courts when you are REALLY innocent, there are prayers you can use to implore the help of the Most High, so that you may be innocent or that TRUE JUSTICE may be done.