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Psalms Prayers

Added : Tue 28 Jul 2020 PM | Updated : Sun 23 Apr 2023 PM

There are 150 psalms in the Bible and they are attributed to King David. According to some beliefs, each psalm has a key, a secret, which, when used with the psalm, can solve a specific problem.

In the Koran, the Book of Psalms is called the Zabur. 


Human beings are in a constant struggle on all levels against the forces of darkness, against the elements of nature and against their fellow human beings.

The psalms can be used by humans in this perpetual struggle against the forces of evil. With the psalms we can praise God, ask for the prosperity of the earth's goods, implore graces and blessings, ask for protection against enemies, defeat enemies, cure physical and spiritual illnesses, ask for help in court trials, for good luck, to ask for God's help in all circumstances, against fire, storms, storms, to have a good journey, etc. 

It is important to know, as in everything we can undertake, to have FAITH. For FAITH lifts mountains. With faith, everything can succeed, whatever the obstacles.



Prayers with the keyword Psalms :

● Psalm 3 To protect themselves from malevolent beings and all sorts of jealousies.
● Psalm 2 To regain courage.
● Psalm 1 To protect themselves from witchcraft.
● Psalm 8 To regain self-confidence
● Psalm 7 For family harmony
● Psalm 4 To bring luck to the games.
● Psalm 6 Against the urge to harm
● Psalm 5 Against family jealousies
● Psalm 13 To fight a disease
● Psalm 12 To forget hurtful words
● Psalm 11 To drive out the devil
● Psalm 9 Against the temptations of Satan, That the nations may be more just and upright
● Psalm 10 For the protection of travellers and their property
● Psalm 17 To increase his spirituality
● Psalm 18 To make new friends
● Psalm 16 To keep the money genes away
● Psalm 14 Before making a choice
● Psalm 15 Against academic failure and confusion of ideas
● Psalm 22 To ward off bad luck
● Psalm 21 To attract sympathy and esteem
● Psalm 19 For world leaders to be just
● Psalm 20 To feel good
● Psalm 20 powerful prayer for all situations of distress
● Psalm 129: De profundis - from the depths I cry out to God
● Psalm 50: Have mercy on me, my God.
● Psalm 26: Fearless Trust in God
● Psalm 21: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
● Psalms 148 and 149: to extinguish a fire
● Psalm 150: to thank, praise and glorify God after having escaped a great danger or received a special grace
● Psalm 147: to heal dangerous wounds, snake or scorpion bites or even the bite of another poisonous or venomous reptile
● Psalm 109 : to face an enemy that bothers and torments you
● Psalm 108 : to be successful in all your businesses
● Psalms 105 à 107 : to heal fevers
● Psalm 104 : to destroy the Masich
● Psalms 102 et 103 : to help infertile women have children
● Psalm 101 : to stay safe from the persecutions of evil spirits and vindictive people
● Psalm 100 : to defeat all his enemies
● Psalm 99 : to live piously
● Psalm 98 : to establish peace in the family
● Psalm 96 et 97 : to make his family happy and contented
● Psalm 95 : for unbelievers who live in error
● Psalm 130 : against sore eyes; against foolishness and pride
● Psalm 129 : To obtain the revelation of the hidden things. Anxious expectation of God's help in times of anxiety.
● Psalm 128 : Anyone who does harm ends up knocking it back on their head. God breaks down the pride of the wicked.
● Psalm 127 : In favor of large families. To get happiness and a long and happy life.
● Psalm 126 : for the protection of the home and the family, against insomnia, for the health of the children, to obtain fertility.
● Psalm 125 for the prisoners, the afflicted, those who cry and those who toil.
● Psalm 124 : Against false and hypocritical people.
● Psalm 123 : Against the barbaric enterprises of the wicked. Against wild beasts. Against blood diseases.
● Psalm 122 : In favour of the oppressed and the outraged. Against the disdain of the powerful. Against the mockery of the insolent rich and the contempt of the proud.
● Psalm 121 : Psalm of trust in God who will bring us peace, justice and prosperity.
● Psalm 120 : Against sunstroke and the misdeeds of the moon. Request for protection in favour of the humble.
● Psalm 119 : Request for punishment against treacherous tongues.
● Psalm 118 : To obtain wisdom and purity of life. Against the pride, avarice, slander, humiliation and traps of a perverse enemy. To ask for help in trials.
● Psalm 117 : Request for deliverance by God during a hard fight against the enemies. To raise up those who fall. To ask for prosperity.
● Psalm 116 : Hymn urging the nations to praise God for the blessings bestowed.
● Psalm 114 - Psalm 115 : Against physical and moral pain. Against the perils of the Beyond. For the liberation of the humble. For the fulfilment of a vow. Against lies.
● Psalm 113 : For the protection of children, the elderly and the weak. In favour of ewes and lambs. Against diseases of the eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet.
● Psalm 112 : In favor of the poor and the humble, for they are loved by God. Against sterility. Demand for fertility.
● Psalm 111 : He who does good also makes his own happy. Good example is the best of teachings. Against envy.
● Psalm 110 : Praise be to the Lord for his blessings. The word is food for the soul. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
● Psalm 109 : Messianic Psalm. Divine Oracle announcing God's victory over our enemies.
● Psalm 108 : Request for punishment against the deceivers, liars and slanderers who pursue us with hateful words.
● Psalm 107 : Request for help against the oppressor and against the invasion of foreign armies.
● Psalm 106 : Against persistent drought and famine. Against the disgust of life, anguish and misfortunes. Against storms at sea and seasickness. To obtain fertility and abundance.
● Psalm 105 Against injustice and in favour of honesty. Against bad priests. Against forbidden and dangerous practices. Wrath of God against those who do not believe in his word.
● Psalm 104 Against bad harvests. Against insects and pests. Against rain and hail. To ask for health and prosperity. In favor of the vine, the trees and the fruit. In favor of trade.
● Psalm 103 Mystery of the creation of the world. Mountains, valleys, various animals, vegetation. To have good harvests. To get the love of work.
● Psalm 102 For the healing of illnesses of the soul and body. To obtain temporal graces. To know how to forgive.
● Psalm 101 Against bone and heart disease. Against insomnia. Against reverses of fortune. In favor of the captives and the desperate. For the grace of a child.
● Psalm 100 For an honest life. Against those who have a haughty eye and a proud heart. Extermination of one who secretly slanders his neighbor.
● Psalm 99 Invitation to the whole earth to come and pay homage to God.
● Psalm 98 The Lord is holy, merciful and just. Observation of God's commandments.
● Psalm 97 Universal reign of Jesus Christ. In favour of music, harmony and concerts.
● Psalm 96 God will come. The fire will advance before him; lightning will light up the world and the mountains will melt like wax.
● Psalm 95 For the beauty of soul and body. For the fertility of fields and trees.
● Psalm 94 Invitation to praise God. Adoration, thanksgiving, repentance and prayer.
● Psalm 93 Against the instigators of injustice. For the protection of the weak. Against eye or ear ailments and foot diseases. Against vanity.
● Psalm 92 In favour of inventions and the use of the forces of nature. Against floods.
● Psalm 91 Against the inequality of human fate. Against madness and retarded minds. For the vigor of soul and body and for a happy old age.
● Psalm 90 Against bad tongues, nightmares, insomnia, ghosts, haunted houses. Against harmful or ferocious animals.
● Psalm 89 For the dignity of man and his legitimate pride. To use his life well. Against human weaknesses, failures and troubles. For the love of work.
● Psalm 88 For the humiliation of the proud. Fall of the potentates; collapse of thrones. Against social inequities, looting and panics.
● Psalm 87 For the sick, the poor and the underprivileged of this world.
● Psalm 86 Oracle pronouncing that all peoples will come to Jerusalem to pay homage to God.
● Psalm 85 Against adversity. Asking for divine help.
● Psalm 84 To obtain the blessing of fields, meadows and gardens.
● Psalm 83 Hymn of the repentant pagan who finds in the Church the house of God.
● Psalm 81 Against tyrants and dictators who are also justiciable to God. Protection of the poor, the widow and the orphan.
● Psalm 80 To obtain the gift of music and languages.
● Psalm 79 Against the jealousies and ravages of enemies. Protection of the vine against diseases.
● Psalm 78 Against war.
● Psalm 77 Against infidelities and sacrileges. For a happy old age. Against diseases of fruits and animals. Against epidemics.
● Psalm 76 Against insomnia and disturbances of the soul. Against lightning, earthquakes and floods.
● Psalm 75 Against the pride of the powerful and all tyrannies. To obtain work and ease. For the cessation of wars.
● Psalm 74 For the win of a lawsuit.
● Psalm 73 Against fires, storms, devastation and public calamities. Against harmful beasts. Against evil spirits. Against the enterprises of the wicked. Against floods.
● Psalm 72 Against unscrupulous people who live in abundance, wealth and vice. Against diseases of the limbs, paralysis, diseases of the heart and kidneys. Against shameful vices.
● Psalm 71 In favour of justice and fraternity for the poor. Pity for the indigent and unfortunate. Against slanderers. In favour of honest affluence, abundance and prosperity.
● Psalm 70 Request for help from an elderly and persecuted person. For the protection of children and old age. Against bad judges.
● Psalm 69 Against poverty and indigence. For success in business.
● Psalm 68 Against deep affliction, despair and abandonment. Against dark thoughts. Against denunciations and thieves. Against laziness and drunkenness. For the punishment and confusion of enemies.
● Psalm 67 For success and prosperity in business. For a happy journey. For the protection of widows, orphans and prisoners. Against shipwrecks. Against poverty.
● Psalm 66 To obtain good harvests and happy success in enterprises and examinations.
● Psalm 65 Thanksgiving after a serious danger or a long illness. Against the trials of life. Against floods, fires and excessive heat.
● Psalm 64 To obtain the fertility of the land, as well as goods and wealth. Against tidal waves and storms at sea. For the protection of domestic animals.
● Psalm 63 Against the wicked who sharpen their tongues like a sword and adjust their words like an arrow. Against calumnies, base vengeance, diabolical inventions.
● Psalm 62 Morning prayer. Offering of our person to God. For bountiful harvests and to obtain rain. Against insomnia.
● Psalm 61 : Against enemies seeking to strike us down when serious difficulties arise. Against the loss of a place or situation. Against curses. Against unjustly acquired wealth.
● Psalm 60 : Prayer of an exile. Prayer in favor of a head of state. For a future inheritance.
● Psalm 59 : National prayer in a pressing danger threatening the country. Punishments against traitors.
● Psalm 57 : Against bad judgments, iniquitous judges and injustices. Against falsehoods. Against ferocious beasts and poisonous bites. Against black magic and bewitchments.
● Psalm 56 : Against worries and anxieties. Asking for help against a set trap. Against calumnies. In favour of a helpless soul.
● Psalm 55 : Asks for help against a ruthless enemy.
● Psalm 54 : Against persecutions, loss of intelligence and memory. Against despair. Against thieves, usurers, fraudsters. Against betrayal.
● Psalm 53 : Prayer of deliverance from all afflictions. Ask for help against those who want to harm us.
● Psalm 52 : Against atheists, corrupters, tyrants and oppressors.
● Psalm 51 : Against traitors, envious and evil tongues, as well as against people casting spells.
● Psalm 50 : Request for forgiveness, mercy and penance. To get a pure and righteous life. To obtain willpower and easy speech.
● Psalm 48 : Future fate of the wicked and the righteous after death. To obtain wisdom and the fear of death.
● Psalm 47 : To obtain the protection of the family and the house against evil spirits.
● Psalm 46 : For attachment to religion. For the victory against the enemies.
● Psalm 58 : Against the wickedness of enemies, bandits, assassins and nations of prey. Against the plunder of ferocious people.
● Psalm 45 : Against hardship and trouble of all kinds. Against public calamities. Request for peace and brotherhood.
● Psalm 44 : To make a happy marriage. To obtain happiness and prosperity.
● Psalm 42 - Psalm 43 : Request for protection in the event of war or invasion. Against looting and dismemberment.
● Psalm 41 In favor of desperate or exiled people. Against despair and troubles of the soul.
● Psalm 40 In favor of the poor, the destitute and the unfortunate. Against heartaches, thwarted loves and betrayed friendships.
● Psalm 39 Asks for help against enemies. Against calumnies and poverty. To obtain the gift of clairvoyance, prophecy and other divine gifts.
● Psalm 38 : Against gossip and bad tongues. To obtain a good death and to know approximately the date of his death.
● Psalm 37 : Request for help from a sick person. Against nervous diseases, fevers, wounds, cancers, anemia, deafness, eye pain, kidneys, general weakness.
● Psalm 36 for the abundance of the goods of the earth, for success in business and litigation
● Psalm 35 : For the punishment of the ungodly and the evildoer. Protection of people, animals and the home.
● Psalm 34 : Protection in case of persecution, slander or abandonment. Against the spells of enemies. Protection of the poor, the widow and the orphan. Punishment and ruin of the wicked and enemies. Against pains and fevers.
● Psalm 33 : Against bad business, disaster and ruin. For the restoration of prosperity. To get perseverance and patience. Against liars.
● Psalm 32 : Demand for the protection of the homeland against the evil designs of enemy peoples. In favour of artists, musicians and singers.
● Psalm 31 : To obtain forgiveness of sins. Against long and painful illnesses. Against floods. To choose a profession.
● Psalm 30 : Imploration when you are surrounded by dangers, insulted by your enemies and abandoned by your friends. For the punishment of the wicked, for the good understanding in the household. To obtain strength and will.
● Psalm 29 : Thanksgiving after deliverance from great peril and in all physical and moral illnesses. To get a clear conscience. In favor of a happy old age.
● Psalm 28 : Fear of God; against the proud. Against lightning and storms.
● Psalm 27 : Against bad training, bad advisers, bad company, dangerous opportunities.
● Psalm 26 : Against fear, dread and adversity. Divine protection during wars. Against thieves and bad guys. In favor of the abandoned, orphans and prisoners.
● Psalm 25 : Against intrigues, persecutions and unjust trials. Against revenges and insults. Against bad judges. In favor of innocence.
● Psalm 24 : Assistance of God against the traps of adversaries. Against poverty and the threat of ruin. In favor of a heritage to be recovered and the choice of a profession.
● Psalm 23 : Request for purity of heart. Against vanity, false oaths and blasphemies.
● Psalm 22 : Demand for temporal goods and wealth. Request for help in the ordeal.
● Psalm 21 : Complain to God in case of abandonment and moral pains. Against the most desperate physical and moral diseases: diseases of the bones, of the chest, tuberculosis, anemia, obsessions. Against complete ruin.
● Psalm 20 : Thanksgiving after success. To have a good mood and peace of mind. Against the losses of family and children.
● Psalm 19 : To get luck and success in projects and businesses.
● Psalm 18 : To obtain natural and supernatural gifts, as well as gifts of the Holy Spirit. To recite this psalm after healing from an illness.
● Psalm 17 : To obtain his eternal salvation and obtain a good death. Against fires, floods, calamities like plague, volcanic eruptions, storms and hail. Against the ignorant and the proud.
● Psalm 16 : Against mortal enemies. To know the hidden things. Against violent death, calamities, earthquakes and fires. Against paralysis and epilepsy. In favor of fertility. Against ferocious beasts.
● Psalm 15 : To obtain hope in God where there is security and salvation. To get intelligence. Against infirmities and idiocy. In favor of retarded children. Against rheumatism, pain and fevers.
● Psalm 14 : To obtain love for the neighbor. Against usurers and miser. Against liars. Against calumny.
● Psalm 13 : Against the foolish, the ungodly and the demons. Against bad temptations. Against corruption. Against diseases of the heart and stomach.
● Psalm 12 Against eye diseases. For the blind. Against fear and sudden death. Against nervous diseases.
● Psalm 11 Against deceit, disloyalty and perfidy. Against liars. Against poverty. Against the proud. To increase faith.
● Psalm 10 Against fire, thunderstorms, storms. Against diseases of the eyes. In favour of travellers.
● Psalm 9 Against the unjust attacks of enemy nations. Against poverty. Against thieves. Against serious diseases.
● Psalm 8 Against children's illnesses. Against diseases of domestic animals.
● Psalm 7 Against calumnies and slander. Against angry people. Against headaches.
● Psalm 6 Against diseases and infirmities, and mainly diseases of the eyes, bones and blood. To win a lawsuit.
● Psalm 5 Against enemies and bad guys. Against deceivers and hypocrites. Against laziness. To defend against thieves and criminals.
● Psalm 4 To ask for God's help. To win a lawsuit. To get the chance. To have good harvests, especially wheat, wine and oil. Against calumnies. Against insomnia.
● Psalm 3 Against enemies. Trust in God in the midst of perils. Sore throat. Headache. Teeth ache. Against serious dangers to body and soul.
● Psalm 2 Against despots and tyrants. Against war. For a just government.
● Psalm 1 For the prosperity of the goods of the earth. To stay good and honest. For the misfortune of the wicked.
● Psalm 60 : To protect his house
● Psalm 59 To shield one' s body against evildoers in imminent danger. To protect your holidays
● Psalm 58 : To ward off the evil ones.
● Psalm 57 : To attract luck on oneself
● Psalm 56 : Against school failure and confusion of ideas
● Prayer to Plead the Blood of Jesus
● A Prayer to Trust the Lord
● A prayer for courage during a storm of life
● Psalm 23 : To alleviate physical pain
● Psalm 22 : To ward off bad luck
● A Prayer to Release Your Heavy Burden
● King David's Prayer for Forgiveness
● Prayer Against Anxiety - Psalm 23
● I was weak, he saved me (Psalm 114)
● Psalm for crying out to God in times of trial (Psalm 21)
● Excerpts From Psalms to Cry Out to God
● Prayer for Musicians and Singers from Psalm 105:2
● Prayer for Musicians and Singers from Psalm 49:4
● Prayer for Musicians and Singers from Psalm 101:1
● Prayer for Musicians and Singers from Psalm 150:1-5
● Prayer for Musicians and Singers from Psalm 98:1-7


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Prayers money
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Prayers in the morning
Prayers evening
Prayers Virgin Mary
Prayers Saint Joseph
Prayers Protection
Prayers Find a job
Prayers for deceased
Prayers Purification
Prayers Success
Prayers Understanding
Prayers Liberation
Prayers Holy Spirit
Prayers Saints
Prayers Psalms
Prayers Self-confidence
Prayers Luck
Prayers Friendship
Prayers Jesus
Prayers Mercy
Prayers Chaplet
Prayers Saint Theresa of Lisieux
Prayers Litanies
Prayers Charlemagne
Prayers for the dying
Prayers Spirituality
Prayers Guide
Prayers Travel
Prayers Critical situation
Prayers Saint Expedit
Prayers Distress
Prayers Desperate Causes
Prayers against theft
Prayers family ties
Prayers secret
Prayers dream
Prayers incubi, succubi
Prayers poison control
Prayers evil eye
Prayers lawsuit
Prayers against jealousy
Prayers intuition
Prayers lost objects
Prayers infertility
Prayers baby
Prayers child
Prayers housing
Prayers alcohol
Prayers hijacked love
Prayers wedding ring
Prayers family
Prayers Blessing
Prayers defeat enemies
Prayers eternal life
Prayers against addictions
Prayers powerful prayers
Prayers Saint Rita
Prayers wedding
Prayers angels
Prayers thanksgiving
Prayers before lunch
Prayers after lunch
Prayers inner healing
Prayers anguish
Prayers Saint Anne
Prayers difficult causes
Prayers rosary
Prayers wealth
Prayers pregnant woman
Prayers Marthe Robin
Prayers spiritual warfare
Prayers against blockages
Prayers against bitter enemies
Prayers healing physical illnesses
Prayers slander
Prayers Jean Pliya
Prayers antes del trabajo
Prayers to be known by every good Christian
Prayers praise
Prayers canticles
Prayers to God
Prayers New Year
Prayers Forgiveness
Prayers Wellness
Prayers Justice
Prayers Resisting temptation
Prayers Padre Pio
Prayers Couple Life

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