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Friendship Prayers

Added : Tue 28 Jul 2020 PM | Updated : Sun 23 Apr 2023 PM

As has been the case since the dawn of time and especially in our time, true friendship is not the most common thing. Most people seek friendship with people through whom they can regularly profit. Their brains are eternal calculators, always on the move. They usually go to others with dirty words but full of malice. As long as they take advantage of you, they are with you. As soon as they can no longer take advantage of you in one way or another, either because you no longer have what they want or because you have discovered their evil designs, they turn against you.


Who doesn't know the expression "A friend in need is a friend indeed"? When you have a true friend, you can be sure that you have someone to rely on.

A true friendship is sincere. It does not make calculations. They are always available and even willing to sacrifice themselves for you if necessary. A true friend is a rare find. And it is a grace for those who have found one. gathers, through the keyword "friendship", prayers to be made regularly to ask God for the grace of having true friends. Above all, be very patient, because there are malicious and pernicious people who come like lambs and who know very well how to play their game, as long as you trust them and they take advantage of it to harm you.

Pray and wait patiently for the Holy Spirit to reveal to you in his own time, the true nature, the essence of what animates the people you meet.


Prayers with the keyword Friendship :

● Psalm 21 To attract sympathy and esteem
● Psalm 18 To make new friends
● Prayer to Saint John the Evangelist for true friendships, for protection in all difficulties of life
● Prayer in the pains of the heart
● A prayer to strengthen our friendships
● Prayers for a Sick Person
● Prayer to Heal a Friend
● Prayer to Saint Constantine for the union of spouses, the family agreement
● Prayer of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity to Jesus Christ facing a marriage proposal
● Prayer to the Good Saint Anne to arouse joy
● Prayer for the world and the Church
● Prayer for his father and mother
● Prayer to obtain love for Jesus and Mary
● Prayer to ask for peace
● Prayer for her children
● Prayer for a person engaged in the state of marriage
● A Daily Prayer for Family
● Prayer for Sickness
● A Prayer for Protection of Relationships
● A Prayer for God’s Shield
● Psalm 24 : To obtain graces in the domain of love
● Psalm 21 : To attract sympathy and esteem
● A Prayer to Strengthen Our Friendships #2
● Prayer for My Friend
● Heal the Sick
● As He Lays This Night - Get-Well Prayer for a Friend
● Healing Power - Get-Well Prayer for a Friend
● Prayer to Renew to Health Body and Soul for a Friend
● Powerful Prayer for Others
● Prayer of Gratitude for Life-Changing Friendship
● Prayer for Lonely People
● Prayer of Protection For Your Friendships
● Prayers For Your Children
● Affirmation Morning Prayer For Love, Romance and Relationships
● A Prayer For a Friend in Pain
● A Prayer Your Family Can Pray For You During Wedding Planning
● A Prayer Asking For Help During Wedding Planning
● Prayer For Those Who Have Lost Loved One #5 - Gentle Grief
● Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua for the necessities of life
● Tobit - Chapter 3 : prayer for marriage


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