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Psalm 30 : To be free of any bad incidents

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Whoever recites this psalm daily will be free from all evil incidents. The Holy Name is EEL, which is formed by the mos AROMINDHA, IEMAAN.

Important Note: Psalms 29, 30, 31 must be accompanied by the Gospel according to John verse 1



Psalm 30
(30: 1) Psalm. Canticle for the dedication of the house. From David. (30: 2) I exalt thee, O Lord, for thou hast raised me up; thou didst not want my enemies to rejoice over me.
(30: 3) Lord my God! I cried out to you, and you healed me.
(30: 4) Lord! Thou hast brought up my soul from Sheol; Thou hast made me live again far from those who go down to the pit.
(30: 5) Sing to the Lord, you who love him, praise his holiness with your praise!
(30: 6) For his anger lasts a moment, but his grace all life; In the evening come the tears, And in the morning joy.
(30: 7) I said in my safety: I will never stumble!
(30: 8) Lord! by your grace you had established my mountain ... You hid your face, and I was troubled.
(30: 9) Lord! I cried out to you, I cried out to the Lord:
(30:10) What do you gain by shedding my blood, bringing me down to the pit? Does the dust have praise for you? Does she tell of your loyalty?
(30:11) Hear, O Lord, have mercy on me! Lord, help me! -
(30:12) And you turned my lamentations into joy, You loosed my sackcloth, and you surrounded me with joy,
(30:13) So that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. Lord my God! I will always praise you.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Psalm 29 :To chase away an evil spirit
Psalm 31 :To avoid annoyance, grief









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