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Prayer of Thanks for My Answered Prayer

Updated : Thu 11 Jan 2024 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

to God thanksgiving praise powerful prayers
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"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

"Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name." – Psalms 103:1


What joy that fills our hearts when God answers our prayers. When we come before Him with our needs and desires, it is a beautiful thing to see His hand at work in our lives. 

Our God is not a distant, uncaring deity, but a loving Father who delights in giving us good gifts.

It is importance to thank God when our prayers are answered because it can strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with Him. We must express our gratitude and praise to our Heavenly Father for His goodness and mercy towards us.




Here is a powerful prayer to thank God for your answered prayer.



Lord of heaven’s armies, You are awesome and mighty! I cannot express how good You have been to me. I give thanks to You and I praise Your holy name. You have heard my prayer and answered me. In every word and deed, I live for You because You are my faithful God. I know that in all situations, You are good. Keep me close to You so that I may grow in my trust of You. I hold onto the joy of being transformed to be like Your glorious body and being with You forevermore. Amen.






Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

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Prayer to Let God’s PeaceRule in Your Life
Prayer of Thanksfor My Life





to God

To God, the being above all, nothing is impossible. Everything is possible with him. Whatever difficulties you find yourself in, trust in him, have faith. Pray to him and he will answer you.

Prayers addressed directly to God do not go through any intermediary. He receives them as they are. Some people prefer this type of prayer where they speak, in their hearts, directly to God.




God is present everywhere. Within us and without us. Even when we think we are alone, he is there. He sees us, he listens to us. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

Like a good father with his children, he is compassionate, merciful and always ready to forgive us our failings and sins.

Let us entrust ourselves to him, ask him for the grace to be a reflection of his love for mankind. Let us entrust ourselves to him and be attentive to the different signs and messages that he sends us every day, within us or outside us through our fellow human beings.


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