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Litanies of the Holy Passion of Christ

Updated : Sun 30 Apr 2023 PM (UTC +1)

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Litanies Jesus
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Lord, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us

O Christ, have mercy on us O Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, listen to us Jesus, listen to us

Jesus, hear us. Jesus, hear us. Jesus, hear us.

Heavenly Father who is God, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world who is God, have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit who is God, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity who are one God, have mercy on us.

Jesus, King of Glory, entering Jerusalem to consummate the work of our Redemption, have mercy on us.

Jesus prostrated before your Father in the Garden of Olives and charged with the crimes of the whole world, have mercy on us.

Jesus, seized with fear, overwhelmed with sadness, reduced to agony and covered with the sweat of blood, have mercy on us.

Jesus betrayed by a treacherous apostle and sold like a slave at a low price, have mercy on us.

Jesus bound, bound and bound, dragged to Hannah and Caiaphas, and called ungodly and blasphemous, have mercy on us.

Jesus led to Pilate and accused as a seditious and rebellious man, have mercy on us.

Jesus appearing before Herod, clothed in a robe of ignominy, like a fool, have mercy on us.



Jesus cruelly scourged, torn apart and swimming in your blood, have mercy on us.

Jesus crowned with thorns, covered with a scarlet robe and exposed to the eyes of a whole people, have mercy on us.

Jesus compared with a thief badge that was preferred to you, have mercy on us.

Jesus, cowardly condemned by Pilate and abandoned to the rage of your enemies, have mercy on us.

Jesus, exhausted with suffering and going to Calvary, laden with the burden of your cross, have mercy on us.

Jesus stretched out, nailed to a vile gallows and put in the ranks of the scoundrels, have mercy on us.

Jesus, full of gentleness for those who give you gall and vinegar, have mercy on us.

Jesus praying to your Father and asking for mercy for your persecutors and for your executioners, have mercy on us.

Jesus, placing your holy soul in the hands of your Father, obedient unto death, have mercy on us.

Jesus bowing his head and exhaling in the ardor of your love for us, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Jesus...

Lamb of God, who blot out the sins of the world, hear us, Jesus...

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, Jesus.

R.O Jesus, who redeemed us by dying on the Cross,

V. Apply to us the merits of your passion and your death.

Let us pray: Adorable Jesus, suffering and dying for love of us, grant us the grace to suffer with you, as you do and for you, so that, living, suffering and dying in your love, we may be eternally happy with you and of you. Amen.



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Litanies of the Precious Blood
Litanies of Saint Joseph






Litanies are prayers characterised by the chanted repetition of intercessory requests. These intercessory requests are generally addressed to the Virgin Mary, the Sacred Heart or the Saints and are intended to solicit their intercession with God.



When to recite the litanies and what are they for?

The litanies are generally recited individually, depending on the difficulty for which help is desired, in groups (in families or in prayer groups) and in certain solemn liturgical ceremonies of the Catholic Church.

The Litanies of the Saints for example, are sung during the Easter Vigil, during baptism ceremonies, priestly or episcopal ordinations and on the feast of the Saints (All Saints).


The prayer of the Litany is foreseen, in particular, during the Easter Vigil, before the blessing of the baptismal water, and also during the celebration of baptism and ordinations to the sacred order of the episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate, as well as in the rite of the consecration of virgins and of religious profession in the rite of dedication of a church and an altar, during rogations, during Masses with stations and during penitential processions, to order the Evil One away in exorcisms, and finally to recommend the dying to the mercy of God.


The Litany of the Saints, which contains elements from both liturgical tradition and popular piety, illustrates the Church's trust in the intercession of the Saints, and highlights her experience of the communion that unites the Church in the heavenly Jerusalem and the Church still on pilgrimage on earth. It is permitted to invoke in the Litany of the Saints the names of those listed in the liturgical calendars of dioceses and religious institutes. 

It is evident that it is forbidden to insert in the Litanies the names of persons whose cult is not recognised.




See all the prayers of the theme: Litanies




Jesus Christ is a central figure in Christianity. He is regarded as the incarnation of God. 

The historical existence of Jesus is attested by archaeological research and by the accounts of Roman historians (Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius).



At about the age of thirty, Jesus left Nazareth and began an itinerant public life. He calls his disciples and walks with them through Judea and Galilee. He teaches, he heals the sick, casts out demons, walks on water, forgives sins, raises the dead. He is attentive to children. He shares meals, a wedding party, pilgrimages to Jerusalem. He lives as a Jewish believer, goes to the synagogue, observes the Sabbath. He weeps, gets angry, experiences sadness, fatigue and thirst, compassion and even anguish. Jesus is known for his natural authority.

With all the miracles he performed, Jesus is the one to whom prayers should be addressed no matter what difficulties one faces.


See all the prayers of the theme: Jesus







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