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Invocation to Saint Cassian of Autun for the disappearance of plantar warts

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Saint Cassian of Autun, bishop, not to be confused with Saint Cassian of Imola, lived a century later.
Saint Gregory of Tours tells that the dust that people collected from his tomb cured a host of diseases.
It is a fact that his holiness, whose fame spread in all countries during his lifetime, shone even more after his death by all the miracles which took place through his intercession. For God is pleased to recognize in this way how pleasant the virtues of his servants are to him. We ask Saint Cassian for the disappearance of plantar warts.



Lord, my God, who have been glorified in a special way by the virtues, the miracles and the holy death of Saint Cassian, we beseech you to give him to us for intercessor and to glorify him by granting us the healing which we ask for by the merits of Saint Cassian, and to allow us to enjoy your holy presence like him. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.
Saint Cassian, whom the afflicted have never invoked in vain, pray for us.

O Jesus, innocent Lamb of God, who were tied and suffered for three long hours on the cross: I thank you for the pains you felt while you were stretched out with so much cruelty on this wood of ignominy ; deign, I beseech you by these pains, to forgive me the sins which I committed against you in my members So be it.



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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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