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Prayer, an evening visit to the tabernacle

Updated : Wed 17 Jan 2024 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

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O my Jesus,
I prostrate myself before the tabernacle,
and adore you under the veils of the Host
which I will receive tomorrow.
I love it and desire it with all my heart,
this divine Host.
Under its smallness
under its whiteness
I discover an immense abyss of love,
of tenderness and mercy.
What immolations
you must have gone through
to my nothingness!

And here you are already
in the ciborium, waiting for me,
eager to give yourself to me!
Thank you, my God;
I place in your heart
the sentiments of my faith
my trust,
of my deepest gratitude.





O divine Host of my coming communion,
you will soon be my food,
my strength, my joy;
you will be the support of my weakness
my life at last.

What have I to offer you
O my hidden Jesus
annihilated but truly present
in this Host reserved for me?
Nothing, except the ardent desire
to unite myself to you
and to love you without measure and without end.

I often come
to the foot of the tabernacle empty-handed.
But I find you there,
O my Father, for the payment of my debts
and my continual faults.
Erase them with your divine finger,
for I feel it,
I no longer wish to offend you,
I don't want to offend you any more.
Tomorrow I want to bring you
my well-prepared heart
my loving heart,
to fall asleep with the thought
that you are here alone
that you want to see me
and that tomorrow you will give yourself to me
with all the riches of your heart,
with your humility,
your gentleness, your purity,
with all the virtues I lack.
Prepare me, O Jesus, bless me;
bless those I love
and for whom I am going to pray to you.






Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

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