Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)
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Liberation evil eye Mercy Forgiveness Protection Purification
To begin any prayer for deliverance
I place myself at the foot of the cross of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God who came in the flesh, and I cover myself with his precious blood. His Light envelops me. I claim upon myself and upon all who are present here the protection of the Blood of the Lamb of God. May his Blood cleanse us from our sins and faults and protect us from all evil, attack and influence of the spirit of darkness! May the Blood of Jesus also cover my family, my friends, my relations, my house, my possessions and all that is mine.
May the Spirit of God cover me with the shield of his Omnipotence. May he manifest the victory of Christ in this place! May he keep Satan away from us and prevent any disruptive demonic spirit from manifesting itself. Let everything we say and do come at the inspiration and the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, by your Most Holy Name, by the merits of the Most Holy Virgin Mary and the intercession of all the saints, of our patron saints and of our Guardian Angels, preserve us from all danger and from all evil spells on the part of evil spirits.
May the Virgin Mary cover us with her mantle of sovereign mistress of the Angels and introduce us into the Victory of the Risen Christ.
Saint Michael the Archangel, "defend us in this fight. Be our help against wickedness and the snares of demons. May God withdraw from him all power to harm anyone present here ”.
I put on the armor of God to resist the devil's maneuvers (ep. 6,14-18). Equipped with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, advancing zealously to proclaim the gospel of peace, wearing the helmet of salvation, "protected by the shield of faith through which I can extinguish all fiery darts of the Evil One, armed with the sword of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, to attack the stronghold of the Enemy ”, hands raised for the praise and adoration of my God, I take a stand on the battlefield, fearless as David marching against Goliath, in the name of the King of kings, Jesus the victorious who sits on the throne of God the Father (Rev. 3,21).
Therefore, because of my authority as a Christian disciple of Jesus, I forbid you, evil spirit, unclean spirit, to speak through anyone in this room. I leave the conduct of this meeting to the direction of the Holy Spirit alone. AMEN!
Jean Pliya, “from darkness to light”, prayer 5, p 246, 5th ed, Saint Paul, 2002
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Many people have been or are under the influence of evil forces. Under the influence of these minions of the evil one, these people are not always in control of all the actions they take. They are thus teleguided by the darkness to always commit what is not good for them and for society.
There are prayers that can help those in the grip of the evil one to break free from these chains that bind them and subject them to the authority of Satan.
Spiritual liberation makes us... free. It gives us the inner peace that is essential for living life to the full. When we are freed from all the shackles that prevent us from living fully as true children of GOD, we have confidence in ourselves whatever the difficulties of life.
touteslesprieres.com offers you multiple prayers of liberation that have proven themselves so far. As many people have already experienced, with unwavering faith, try any or all of them and FREE YOURSELF from the actions of the devil that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.
See all the prayers of the theme: Liberation
The evil eye is a kind of negative energy, a bad spell, a sometimes persistent misfortune that seriously harms happiness. Everything you do doesn't work. When you get somewhere, people look at you badly, they hate you for no apparent reason. It is as if you smell very bad (which is not totally false!).
We suggest some prayers that can help you get rid of the evil eye. And above all, we suggest that you always stay positive in your head. It is not because you are experiencing some difficulties that you have necessarily been cast a bad spell. Pray, be positive and persevere in the effort. Nothing is impossible to God, the Creator, the Almighty.
See all the prayers of the theme: evil eye
Mercy comes from the Latin misereri which means to have mercy and cor (heart).
Mercy is the deep attitude of the being characterised by the loving disposition to forgive. Sensitivity to the misery and suffering of others and a fundamental benevolence towards one's neighbour. This is one of the attributes of God that explains his entire plan for the salvation of humanity.
God's goodness is infinite because it is one aspect of his mercy (Ps 86:5).
See all the prayers of the theme: Mercy
Many of us have experienced offences that have shaken us so badly that it has not been easy to forgive. Frustrated, heartbroken and resentful, we wish harm and seek revenge. In these attitudes, we hurt ourselves even more. People with a certain knowledge of how things work tell us that refusing to forgive and wishing harm on those who have wronged us is like drinking poison and wishing that it is the people who have offended you who die.
By brooding over anger, frustrations and resentments every day, you are killing yourself. You are "committing suicide"!
It is better to FORGIVE. FORGIVENESS liberates, sanctifies, renews, gives inner peace and allows you to approach life's events more serenely. If you decide to forgive or ask for forgiveness sincerely, you will see the positive changes that will take place. Whatever damage you have suffered, forgive and entrust yourself to God who, through the Holy Spirit, will be able to inspire you and guide you in order to avoid or overcome the nuisances of malicious people.
Through this keyword "FORGIVENESS", we offer you prayers that will inspire you with the words to forgive and also to receive forgiveness.
See all the prayers of the theme: Forgiveness
Protective prayers are prayers that aim to protect from the action of the forces of evil, as the name suggests. The minions of the evil one and all their spawn spend all their time attacking the children of God. By praying regularly for divine protection, you place yourself under the protection of the Most High, the One who is above all, the One before whom every knee bends. Thus, by praying the prayers of protection, God annihilates for you, in one way or another, all the attacks of malevolent forces.
By using God's power to protect you, you can embark on your endeavours with confidence that you will succeed, because God will deal with the negative forces that would try to harm you.
We all know the adage that says "the enemy never sleeps". touteslesprieres.com gathers through the keyword protection, all the prayers of protection which can be useful for you for this or that situation of the life.
With these prayers, have recourse with assurance to the protection of the Almighty who will strike down all entities that would try to obstruct your projects and your undertakings.
See all the prayers of the theme: Protection
Every day, through our activities and interactions with others and the environment, we get dirty in one way or another. Physically, we need to wash ourselves every day to cleanse ourselves, to remove all the dirt that would prevent us from feeling better.
Just as we get dirty physically, we also get dirty spiritually. We get dirty spiritually by our actions or indirectly by the malicious actions of others. Dirt" can thus be born from our sins, from bewitchments or from any other voluntary or involuntary action carried out with the aim of causing harm.
When we are "spiritually dirty", things do not always work out as they should. Some people will say that they are unlucky, unlucky. Biological illnesses, spiritual illnesses and problems of all kinds are always there as if called or attracted by a magnet. There is always an event or the action of others that will prevent the success of our undertakings.
In these unfortunate situations, we need to "spiritually cleanse" ourselves, to purify ourselves. Spiritual cleansing cleanses us from all defilement. It removes the dark veil that prevents us from living fully and darkens our energies, our inner light.
It is true that everyone can purify themselves through prayer and a healthy lifestyle that will attract positive energies and at the same time remove anything that could attract evil. However, there are cases that require the action of an experienced specialist (for example a priest for Catholic Christians). God, through the Holy Spirit, will work through him to pull out the roots of evil and, through your faith and constant prayer, you can complete this work.
We are gathering for you prayers with the keyword PURIFICATION, to enable you to renew yourselves from time to time and live your lives fully as true children of God.
See all the prayers of the theme: Purification
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