Updated : Thu 27 Apr 2023 AM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
Psalms Success Self-confidence against blockages
Psalm of David. Who will dwell in your tent, O LORD? Who shall dwell in thy holy mountain? -
He who walks uprightly, who does righteousness, and speaks the truth from his heart.
He shall not slander with his tongue, nor do evil to his neighbour, nor bring reproach upon his neighbour.
He looks with contempt on him who is contemptible, but honours those who fear the LORD; he does not shrink from taking an oath to his detriment.
He does not demand interest on his money, nor does he accept a gift against the innocent. He who does this shall never be moved.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
There are 150 psalms in the Bible and they are attributed to King David. According to some beliefs, each psalm has a key, a secret, which, when used with the psalm, can solve a specific problem.
In the Koran, the Book of Psalms is called the Zabur.
Human beings are in a constant struggle on all levels against the forces of darkness, against the elements of nature and against their fellow human beings.
The psalms can be used by humans in this perpetual struggle against the forces of evil. With the psalms we can praise God, ask for the prosperity of the earth's goods, implore graces and blessings, ask for protection against enemies, defeat enemies, cure physical and spiritual illnesses, ask for help in court trials, for good luck, to ask for God's help in all circumstances, against fire, storms, storms, to have a good journey, etc.
It is important to know, as in everything we can undertake, to have FAITH. For FAITH lifts mountains. With faith, everything can succeed, whatever the obstacles.
See all the prayers of the theme: Psalms
We all seek success in everything we do. Whether it is in our studies, our career, our relationships with others or life in society in general, success is for many the key to happiness. The road to success has never been without obstacles, pitfalls and difficulties.
The obstacles that can stand between us and success can be diverse. They may be natural or they may emanate from the malicious will of some equally malicious individual.
It is therefore important for believers to implore, to seek divine help in order to counteract the action of malevolent forces that would try to prevent the attainment of the goals of success.
Excel in your efforts, but first pray for the support of the Most High who always accompanies any success.
touteslesprieres.com gathers, through the keyword success, all the useful prayers that will inspire you to address the Lord God who inevitably leads... to success.
See all the prayers of the theme: Success
Self-confidence is a fundamental element for success in everything we do. Having self-confidence allows you to face up to things, to assert yourself. When we have self-confidence, we transform our fears into positive energy.
Several prayers are gathered here on touteslesprieres.com to allow you to ask the Almighty to give the grace to obtain self-confidence.
See all the prayers of the theme: Self-confidence
See all the prayers of the theme: against blockages
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