Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
Blessing Liberation housingUse this prayer to bless the places where you live or work (home, office, store, business, etc.).
Visit, O Father, our house (store, office...) and keep us away from the enemy's traps. May the holy angels keep us in peace and may your blessing always remain upon us. Through Christ, Our Lord.
Lord Jesus Christ, you who commanded your apostles to invoke peace upon those who dwell in the houses into which they would enter, sanctify, we pray, this house through our trusting prayer.
Pour your blessings and the abundance of peace upon her. Let salvation come into her, just as it came into the house of Zacchaeus when you entered it.
Charge your angels to guard her and to drive away from her all power of the Evil One.
Grant that all who dwell in this house may please you with their works of virtue, so that when the time comes they may deserve to be welcomed into your heavenly home. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
A blessing is a grace, a favour granted by God. Through priests and all other people (religious, traditionalists or simple faithful) who may be at a certain moment in a state of benevolence to bless, it is always God Almighty who acts.
When a person is blessed, whatever good he or she does is bound to succeed, whatever the difficulties.
In everyday life, believers of all religions and beliefs often use blessed objects (bibles, candles, rosaries, crosses, etc.).
touteslesprieres.com gathers through the keyword blessing, prayers to ask for blessing, to bless places, objects of piety and everything that may require a blessing.
See all the prayers of the theme: Blessing
Many people have been or are under the influence of evil forces. Under the influence of these minions of the evil one, these people are not always in control of all the actions they take. They are thus teleguided by the darkness to always commit what is not good for them and for society.
There are prayers that can help those in the grip of the evil one to break free from these chains that bind them and subject them to the authority of Satan.
Spiritual liberation makes us... free. It gives us the inner peace that is essential for living life to the full. When we are freed from all the shackles that prevent us from living fully as true children of GOD, we have confidence in ourselves whatever the difficulties of life.
touteslesprieres.com offers you multiple prayers of liberation that have proven themselves so far. As many people have already experienced, with unwavering faith, try any or all of them and FREE YOURSELF from the actions of the devil that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.
See all the prayers of the theme: Liberation
What joy, what happiness to have, to find or obtain safe housing. We fight day and night and sometimes a lifetime to get there for some people, and for others not at all.
On this page we offer prayers that may help you in your search for accommodation.
See all the prayers of the theme: housing
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