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Psalm 142: to cure ailment or pain in the legs

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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By reciting this psalm, we can cure the ailment or pain in the legs.



Psalm 142
(142: 1) Song of David. When he was in the cave. Pray. (142: 2) With my voice I cry to the Lord, with my voice I cry to the Lord.
(142: 3) I spread my complaint before him, I tell him my distress.
(142: 4) When my spirit is downcast within me, You know my path. On the road where I walk They have set a trap for me.
(142: 5) Cast your eyes to the right, and see! No one recognizes me, All refuge is lost for me, No one cares for my soul.
(142: 6) Lord! I am shouting at you. I say: You are my refuge, My share in the land of the living.
(142: 7) Be attentive to my cries! Because I am very unhappy. Deliver me from those who pursue me! Because they are stronger than me.
(142: 8) Take my soul out of its prison, that I may praise your name! The righteous will come to surround me, When you have done me good.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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