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Miraculous prayer to Saint Expedit to resolve muddled affairs; to help win dubious lawsuits and speed up outcomes that are slow to materialize

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

Saint Expedit powerful prayers Critical situation
Commentaires : 1 | You must register or login to post a comment.


This miraculous prayer to Saint Expedit is effective in resolving complicated, muddled cases, to help win dubious cases where corruption and lies can play against you, to accelerate outcomes that are slow to materialize.
For that, it suffices to say it with confidence and fervor. You will be inspired by a solution, a new act that you had not thought of, a new idea, or quite simply, a total letting go that will unblock the situation.


Saint Expedit, who lost everything, who died gloriously by the sword, pray for me.
Saint Expedit, patron saint of schoolchildren and youth, model of soldiers, protector of travellers, pray for me.
Saint Expedit, advocate of sinners, salvation of the sick, mediator in trials, pray for me.



Saint Expedit, comforter of the afflicted, helper in pressing matters, most faithful support of those who hope in you, pray for me.
Saint Expedit, I beg you, do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today, come to my aid, listen to me, hear me, and let my cry rise to you.
Lord Jesus, I beg you to inspire all my thoughts and actions with your grace, so that through the intercession of Saint Expedit they may be carried out with courage, fidelity and promptness, in good time and with a happy ending.
So be it.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Critical situation



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1 Commentaires pour : Miraculous prayer to Saint Expedit to resolve muddled affairs; to help win dubious lawsuits and speed up outcomes that are slow to materialize

Maman en detresse

Maman en detresse | Sun 30 Jun 2019 AM a écrit :

Besoin de priere pour mon enfant

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