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Act of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

Jesus Mercy Forgiveness Spirituality eternal life
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1st prayer

Very sweet Jesus,
you poured out on men
the benefits of your charity,
and their ingratitude
responds only by forgetting,
neglect, contempt.
So here we are prostrate
in front of your altar,
driven by the desire to repair,
by a special tribute,
their culpable indifference
and insults including,
on all sides,
they overwhelm your very loving Heart.

However, remembering that we ourselves,
we are in the past
made guilty of such unworthy conduct,
and penetrated with deep pain,
we beg first
for ourselves your mercy.
We are ready to repair,
by voluntary atonement,
the mistakes we have made,
also ready to atone for those who,
lost out of the way of salvation,
persist in their infidelity,
refusing to follow you,
you, their Pastor and their Head,
or, shaking off the yoke so sweet of your law,
trample on the promises of their baptism.
for so many lamentable faults,
repair for each of them:
driving disorders,
indecency of fashions, scandals,
corrupters of innocent souls,
desecration of Sundays and holidays,
execrable blasphemies against you
and against your Saints,
insults to your Vicar and your priests,
abandonment and odiously sacrilegious violations
of the divine Sacrament of your love,
public sins finally of the nations
who revolt against rights
and the authority of your Church.



What can't we erase
with our own blood so many offenses!
At least, to make amends for your outraged honor,
we present you this same satisfaction
that you offered to your Father
on the Cross and whose offering you renew,
every day on the altar;
we present it to you,
accompanied by all the satisfactions
of the Most Holy Virgin your Mother,
Saints, faithful Christians.
We promise you, with all our heart,
as much as it depends on us
and with the help of your grace,
to repair our past faults,
those of our neighbor,
indifference to such a great love,
by the steadfastness of our faith,
the purity of our life,
perfect docility to the precepts of the Gospel,
especially that of charity.
We also promise you
to make all our efforts
to save you from further offenses
and to train in your wake
as many souls as possible.

Accept, we beg you,
O very good Jesus,
through the intercession of the Blessed
Virgin Mary Restorative,
this spontaneous homage at expiation;
keep us, until death,
steadfastly faithful
to our duty and to your service,
give us this precious gift
of the perseverance that leads us
all finally to the homeland where,
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
you reign, God,
through the ages of ages.

So be it.

1. Indulgence of 5 years, every time. Plenary, once a month under ordinary conditions if this prayer is recited every day for a month.

2. On the Feast of the Sacred Heart: Indulgence of 7 aces, when the faithful recites this prayer together with the Litanies of the Sacred Heart before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. Plenary, if, in addition, we add a sincere confession and a fervent communion.


2nd prayer

O God three times Holy!
I love you,
I love you,
i bless you
through the Sacred Heart of Jesus
to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar,
and I offer you,
by blessed hands
of the Immaculate Virgin Mary,
all the Holy Hosts
who are on our altars
and in our tabernacles,
as an atonement sacrifice,
reparation and an honorable fine,
for all sacrileges,
blasphemies and crimes
who outraged you throughout the universe.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Act of resignation to death
Act of reparation to Jesus Host






Jesus Christ is a central figure in Christianity. He is regarded as the incarnation of God. 

The historical existence of Jesus is attested by archaeological research and by the accounts of Roman historians (Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius).



At about the age of thirty, Jesus left Nazareth and began an itinerant public life. He calls his disciples and walks with them through Judea and Galilee. He teaches, he heals the sick, casts out demons, walks on water, forgives sins, raises the dead. He is attentive to children. He shares meals, a wedding party, pilgrimages to Jerusalem. He lives as a Jewish believer, goes to the synagogue, observes the Sabbath. He weeps, gets angry, experiences sadness, fatigue and thirst, compassion and even anguish. Jesus is known for his natural authority.

With all the miracles he performed, Jesus is the one to whom prayers should be addressed no matter what difficulties one faces.


See all the prayers of the theme: Jesus




Mercy comes from the Latin misereri which means to have mercy and cor (heart).


Mercy is the deep attitude of the being characterised by the loving disposition to forgive. Sensitivity to the misery and suffering of others and a fundamental benevolence towards one's neighbour. This is one of the attributes of God that explains his entire plan for the salvation of humanity.

God's goodness is infinite because it is one aspect of his mercy (Ps 86:5).


See all the prayers of the theme: Mercy




Many of us have experienced offences that have shaken us so badly that it has not been easy to forgive. Frustrated, heartbroken and resentful, we wish harm and seek revenge. In these attitudes, we hurt ourselves even more. People with a certain knowledge of how things work tell us that refusing to forgive and wishing harm on those who have wronged us is like drinking poison and wishing that it is the people who have offended you who die




By brooding over anger, frustrations and resentments every day, you are killing yourself. You are "committing suicide"! 

It is better to FORGIVEFORGIVENESS liberates, sanctifies, renews, gives inner peace and allows you to approach life's events more serenely. If you decide to forgive or ask for forgiveness sincerely, you will see the positive changes that will take place. Whatever damage you have suffered, forgive and entrust yourself to God who, through the Holy Spirit, will be able to inspire you and guide you in order to avoid or overcome the nuisances of malicious people.

Through this keyword "FORGIVENESS", we offer you prayers that will inspire you with the words to forgive and also to receive forgiveness.



See all the prayers of the theme: Forgiveness






See all the prayers of the theme: Spirituality



eternal life



See all the prayers of the theme: eternal life







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