Updated : Thu 4 May 2023 AM (UTC +1)
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Virgin Mary
May 14: Prayer of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe
Immaculate Conception, Queen of heaven and earth, Refuge of sinners and most loving Mother, to whom God wished to entrust the whole order of Mercy, here I am at your feet, N... poor sinner. I beg you, accept my whole being as your good and your property; act in me according to your will, in my soul and my body, in my life and my death and my eternity. Above all, dispose of me as you wish, so that what is said about you may finally be realised: "The Woman will crush the head of the serpent" and also "You alone will conquer the heresies in the whole world".
In your pure hands, so rich in mercy, may I become an instrument of your love, capable of reviving and fully developing so many lukewarm or lost souls. In this way the Kingdom of the divine Heart of Jesus will extend without end. Truly, your very presence attracts the graces that convert and sanctify souls, since Grace flows from the divine Heart of Jesus to all of us, passing through your maternal hands.
Let us pray: Mary, in this month dedicated to you, I come to you. You know all the intentions of my heart, I trust in you and in your intercession with Jesus your Son, our Saviour. Listen to my prayer...(express your intentions in silence)
1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory to the Father and a song to Mary.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a model for the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. She is known as the Mother of God (since 431 at the Council of Ephesus, because Jesus is at the same time the Son of God and God himself), Mary of Nazareth, the Blessed Virgin, the Holy Mary, the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady...
The Virgin Mary, like all the saints of the Church, intercedes for believers before God. She is the advocate of believers. Through prayer, the faithful can ask the Virgin Mary for faith, courage, strength, gentleness, humility, etc.
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