Updated : Wed 26 Apr 2023 PM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
hijacked love Wellness Luck Self-confidence against addictions Jesus Liberation family ties Spirituality
Lord, have mercy on us
God the Father, from heaven, have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, who are one God, have mercy on us
Jesus, Word incarnate by Love, Give us to love you
Jesus, love too often misunderstood and outraged, Give us to love you
Jesus, Divine Child, neglected and persecuted, Give us to love you.
Jesus, who in your evangelical journeys had the Pharisees and the Priests as adversaries and contradicts, give us to love you
Jesus, whose Divine Heart was pierced by the ingratitude of your beloved children more than by the centurion's lance, give us to love you
Jesus, love ever living and ever new in the Divine Eucharist, Give us to love you
Jesus, who are affliged to see the uselessness of your Blood for an infinity of souls, Give us to love you
Jesus, who are almost a stranger to those you visit most often, Give us to love you
Jesus, who, in spite of everything, never cease to make yourself a servant at the door of hearts, give us the power to love you
Jesus, who desires our hearts to make them your home, give us to love you
Jesus, who desire us to love you for those who do not love you, give us to love you
Jesus, who ask for faithful hearts, give us to love you
Jesus, who ask for compassionate hearts, give us to love you
Jesus, whose divine Heart shines with a flame of love and mercy, give us to love you
Jesus, who are always in your Sacrament as at Jacob's well, waiting for the sinner, give us to love you
Jesus, who are so happy with repentance, give us to love you
Jesus, who are so affliged when your solicitations are repelled, Give us to love you
From ingratitude, deliver us, Lord, From lukewarmness, preserve us, Lord,
Fill us with your love, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who efface the sins of the world, give us to be generous.
Lamb of God, who efface the sins of the world, receive our hearts as victims of atonement.
Lamb of God, who efface the sins of the world, make us give you our hearts, when so many others refuse you theirs.
Lord, who, in spite of our weaknesses and unworthiness, does not disdain to make us understand that your desire is to see us consecrated to repairing the outrages which are most sensitive to you as coming from your most privileged children, make us fidacious to your call and find generous and devoted hearts, who know how to compensate you for so many ingratitudes.
Yes, grant that, sensitive to your souffrances, we may be animated by a holy zeal, not only to love you, but to do all that depends on us to make you known and loved. We ask this in the name and through the merits of that precious Blood which flows from your sacred wounds and from the wound of your divine Heart. So be it.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
See all the prayers of the theme: hijacked love
Well-being is what every human being naturally aspires to. The satisfaction of achieving the level of physical, psychological, social and spiritual balance that allows us to live a happy and fulfilling life is a permanent quest.
There are many obstacles to achieving well-being. Poverty, which prevents us from having our daily bread or a healthy diet, lack of regular physical activity, stress due to the vagaries of life, poor hygiene and tumultuous social relationships are all factors that hinder well-being.
To achieve and maintain permanent well-being, it is important to find a balance between work, rest and entertainment, and to engage in regular activities that involve well-being and personal development.
Spirituality is also a very important way to help achieve and maintain permanent well-being. That is why we offer prayers on this subject to help you achieve permanent well-being.
See all the prayers of the theme: Wellness
When you are lucky, things usually work out in the sense that you are more successful. You always arrive at the right time to benefit from this or that thing or situation. You meet the right people on your way. Generally speaking, you attract the right people, the right events...
It is true that there are people who are naturally born lucky. However, it also happens that bad people steal or turn this luck into bad luck.
Whether one is a believer or not, luck comes from the Most High. It is He who gives to those who ask for it, in one way or another. Our inner ways of being and doing play a big part in everything that happens to us.
There is an adage that says "If you draw the devil on the wall, he appears in your house".
If you want to attract luck to you, the work to be done starts within you. Learn to think positive first. When you pray, for example, really think about getting what you ask for. Believe. Have faith.
If you are experiencing repeated situations where you feel you are unlucky, allprayers.com offers prayers (psalms and other prayers) to enable you to ask the God-above-all to grant you luck in your projects or endeavours.
Think you have it and you will have it!
See all the prayers of the theme: Luck
Self-confidence is a fundamental element for success in everything we do. Having self-confidence allows you to face up to things, to assert yourself. When we have self-confidence, we transform our fears into positive energy.
Several prayers are gathered here on touteslesprieres.com to allow you to ask the Almighty to give the grace to obtain self-confidence.
See all the prayers of the theme: Self-confidence
See all the prayers of the theme: against addictions
Jesus Christ is a central figure in Christianity. He is regarded as the incarnation of God.
The historical existence of Jesus is attested by archaeological research and by the accounts of Roman historians (Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius).
At about the age of thirty, Jesus left Nazareth and began an itinerant public life. He calls his disciples and walks with them through Judea and Galilee. He teaches, he heals the sick, casts out demons, walks on water, forgives sins, raises the dead. He is attentive to children. He shares meals, a wedding party, pilgrimages to Jerusalem. He lives as a Jewish believer, goes to the synagogue, observes the Sabbath. He weeps, gets angry, experiences sadness, fatigue and thirst, compassion and even anguish. Jesus is known for his natural authority.
With all the miracles he performed, Jesus is the one to whom prayers should be addressed no matter what difficulties one faces.
See all the prayers of the theme: Jesus
Many people have been or are under the influence of evil forces. Under the influence of these minions of the evil one, these people are not always in control of all the actions they take. They are thus teleguided by the darkness to always commit what is not good for them and for society.
There are prayers that can help those in the grip of the evil one to break free from these chains that bind them and subject them to the authority of Satan.
Spiritual liberation makes us... free. It gives us the inner peace that is essential for living life to the full. When we are freed from all the shackles that prevent us from living fully as true children of GOD, we have confidence in ourselves whatever the difficulties of life.
touteslesprieres.com offers you multiple prayers of liberation that have proven themselves so far. As many people have already experienced, with unwavering faith, try any or all of them and FREE YOURSELF from the actions of the devil that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.
See all the prayers of the theme: Liberation
See all the prayers of the theme: family ties
See all the prayers of the theme: Spirituality
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