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Look, Lord, at your Church

Updated : Tue 28 Nov 2023 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

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Lord, who always calls us to conversion and reconciliation,

Look at your Church, wounded by the behaviour of some of its ministers,
Look at the suffering of their victims,
Look at the faithfulness of so many priests carrying out their ministry day after day,
Look at the baptized tempted by discouragement and abandonment, and at those who want to keep their faith in her.




Have mercy on all of them,
And give us the strength to go forward in trust and humility.

God our Father, hear the prayer of your children who plead with you and need your help; through your Son Jesus our Saviour, Amen.







Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

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