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Prayer to Saint Omer or Saint Audomar for the cure of chronic constipation

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

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Saints healing physical illnesses
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Saint Omer or Saint Audomar was born around 590; he received a solid Christian education and lived for a long time in the monastery of Luxeuil where he edified the monks through his fasts, his piety, the corporal punishments he imposed on himself and the miracles that soon became the fruit of such a holy life.
He was appointed bishop of Thérouanne and devoted the rest of his life to converting the many pagans of his diocese. He died in 670 and many miracles took place at his tomb, where Saint Omer is especially invoked for the cure of chronic constipation.




O God, who, in order to propagate the greater glory of your name, have through blessed Omer, given to the Church the strength of a new help, make that all that is connected with the memory of your saints be so dear to us may he be a source of blessings and of encouragement to us to imitate them. We pray to you through Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.
Saint Omer, be auspicious to us and cure us of all disastrous illnesses.

For you have come to bring us into your kingdom, and you have shown us the way by which we can get there.
But why do we despise this path? Why don't we follow you? Why do we so long for magnificence and glory? Why do we love the trifles and perishable goods of this world? This is because our kingdom is still of this world, and we do not regard ourselves as strangers. Fools that we are! why do we take the false for the true, what passes for the solid, the goods of time for those of eternity, and why do we attach ourselves so strongly to them?
Certainly, O Lord! if, uplifting our minds, we were to consider carefully that you are only travelers, we would only use all these visible things as much as the necessity requires, and we would hasten to follow you. These perishable things
would no longer be a burden to us, and we would despise them, as if they had already passed. So be it.



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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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healing physical illnesses



See all the prayers of the theme: healing physical illnesses







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