Prayer to help someone fight alcohol (say and repeat with consistency). As part of a family, it is helpful for several family members to pray this prayer together.
Saint Antoninus, look at the difficulties of our family, look at the condition of (name of person) which worries us, destroys it and destroys us all a little more every day. Alcohol brings him closer to the abyss, at the risk of pouring into it every moment. I beg you Saint Antoninus, intervene before it is too late, before (name of the person) destroys himself a little more or a drama occurs which could destroy him, but also risk putting the life of others in danger.
Deposit, Saint Antoninus, my request at the feet of the Lord so that he may grant you the grace to intervene as quickly as possible.
Lord, I humbly ask you to accept the request of Saint Antoninus, you who see every day the suffering that is ours and the downfall of (name of the person).
I thank you Saint Antoninus and once again ask you to accept this candle that I am burning in your honor.
Alcohol, when abused, can create addictions that are harmful to oneself, to those around you or to the people around you. The damage can be enormous. Entire lives destroyed.
IF you are an alcoholic, if you are the spouse of a drunk, if one of your loved ones is suffering and/or causing suffering to those around you because of alcohol abuse, here are some prayers to help you:
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