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Prayer to ask God for patience

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Lord our God, who knows how many evils we are exposed to, and who knows our weakness and the impatience of our flesh, come and produce in us this virtue, which teaches us to endure all diseases and all disgraces, all afflictions, and all the insults patiently, without murmuring against your Providence, and without having resentment against those who harm us; make us understand that nothing happens without your will.



That it is you who directs everything, and that all things turn out for the good to those who love you; teach us that however severe the sufferings to which we are subject, we deserve to suffer the severest pains; that you afflict those you love, to make them partakers of your holiness, and that neither nakedness, nor peril, nor the sword, nor the present things, nor the things to come, nor the principalities, nor the powers , cannot separate us from you.

Make us understand that nothing is more pleasant to you than when in our ills we resign ourselves to your will, or when we forgive the insults that are done to us, and which we must take for a subject of joy, when we fall into various temptations; but make our patience perfect; make us glory even in our sufferings, knowing that you will never send evils beyond our strength to us, and that the afflictions of this life are not to be compared to the glory which is reserved for us. Amen.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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