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Prayer to break the bewitchments through the prophecy of Saint Ezekiel

Updated : Fri 7 Jan 2022 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

Liberation family ties
Commentaires : 1 | You must register or login to post a comment.


Say this prayer to break the bewitchments, break and remove all hexes, spells and bonds.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
V. Tear him (her), Lord, from the net of the hunters.
A. And magic words, free him (her).
V. May it please you, Lord, to deliver it from him.
A. Let those who want his life be confused and covered with shame.
V. It is you, Lord, who will keep us.
A. You will save us from this brood forever.

Psalm 97
The cloud and righteousness are the foundation of his throne. The fire advances before him, And consumes his adversaries all around. Its flashes illuminate the world; the earth sees it and trembles. The mountains melt like wax before Yahweh, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all people see his glory. Let all those who serve idols be confused, and who boast in beings of nothingness. Glory to the Father.



I break you + Satan, and all your false prophets: magicians and witches, spellcasters and bewitchers, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the same words that the Lord God, his Father, spoke: “Woe to those who bind the hands of the innocent and who indulge in all kinds of spells to make souls fall into their deadly traps. Maybe you claim to catch those who belong to me in your nets and save yourselves? You dishonored me with my people for a handful of barley and a piece of bread killing those who should not die and prosper those who should not; thus deceiving my people who believe your lies. "
This is why the Lord God says this: Here I am standing against the snares with which you try to catch people as you do birds; yes, I will tear them from your nets and I will release those whom you have captured as sparrows. I will destroy your spells and I will free my people from your hands, and they will no longer be a prey between yours. You thus save that I am the Lord.
Because you overwhelmed the heart of the righteous with your lies, when I myself had not done so; and that you have supported the wicked so that they fall into their wicked way, to live; you will no longer have your false visions, and you will no longer be able to bewitch whom. whatever: I freed my people from your hands and you will know that it is I who am the Lord ”

In virtue of the Holy Scriptures and of what God himself has promised us, in the Name of Jesus and with the Holy Prophet Ezekiel, I order: that (Your Name ...) be torn from me Any mark or claw of the demon as well as all magic needles intended to torment him (her), to make him (her) suffer or even to die; I order that + all ties, ties, fetters, ligatures, knots, ribbons, cords or threads be cut; that are broken + all nets or magic circle; torn + any veil intended to blind it; destroyed all diabolical programming, and annihilated + all the hellish wells of the witches who claim to keep the souls of the living and the dead prisoners there; finally ; that by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, be destroyed + all evil spells and definitively thwarted on N ..... any attempt of bewitchment.
A: Lord, answer my prayer.
V: And may my cry reach you.

Almighty and merciful God, so that your servant N .. ...... (your servant N ....) may be free to praise you and proclaim Jesus, the only true Prophet, please break all ties by which the demon holds him (her) prisoner. And, so that he (she) can quench his thirst at the source of Life which is your Holy Word, please remove all evil spells, spells and enchantments of which he (she) could be the object, in the name of the Father + and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. So be it.



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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Psalm 113 :For the protection of children, the elderly and the weak. In favour of ewes and lambs. Against diseases of the eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet.
Prayer against the evil eye or spell cast out of jealousy or envy(other version)






Many people have been or are under the influence of evil forces. Under the influence of these minions of the evil one, these people are not always in control of all the actions they take. They are thus teleguided by the darkness to always commit what is not good for them and for society.



There are prayers that can help those in the grip of the evil one to break free from these chains that bind them and subject them to the authority of Satan.


Spiritual liberation makes us... free. It gives us the inner peace that is essential for living life to the full. When we are freed from all the shackles that prevent us from living fully as true children of GOD, we have confidence in ourselves whatever the difficulties of life. offers you multiple prayers of liberation that have proven themselves so far. As many people have already experienced, with unwavering faith, try any or all of them and FREE YOURSELF from the actions of the devil that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.


See all the prayers of the theme: Liberation



family ties



See all the prayers of the theme: family ties







1 Commentaires pour : Prayer to break the bewitchments through the prophecy of Saint Ezekiel


Juju | Fri 7 Jan 2022 AM a écrit :

Peut-être faut-il lire : "... tout voile destiné à m'aveugler" ?

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