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Novena to Mary who undoes the knots to find solutions to the different problems of life: family, work, health, motherhood, love...

Updated : Tue 7 May 2024 AM (UTC +1)

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Virgin Mary Novena Desperate Causes difficult causes Luck against blockages spiritual warfare against bitter enemies
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Follow these seven steps for each day of the novena:
1) Make the sign of the cross
2) Recite the act of contrition. Ask forgiveness for your sins and, above all, make a firm resolution never to commit them again.
3) Recite the first three decades of the Rosary.
4) Read the meditation for each day of the novena (from the first to the ninth day).
5) Then recite the last two decades of the rosary.
6) Finish with the "Prayer to Mary who unties the knots".
7) Make the sign of the cross.

Act of contrition:
Dear God, I am very sorry that I have offended you, because you are infinitely good and sin displeases you. I firmly resolve, with the help of your holy grace, to offend you no longer and to do penance.


Prayer to "Mary who unties the knots":
Virgin Mary, Mother of beautiful Love, Mother who has never abandoned a child who cries for help, Mother whose hands work constantly for your beloved children, because they are pushed by divine Love and the infinite Mercy which overflows from your heart, turn your compassionate gaze to me. See the bundle of "knots" that are choking my life. You know my despair and my pain. You know how these knots paralyze me. Mary, Mother whom God has instructed to untie the "knots" of your children's lives, I place the ribbon of my life in your hands. No one, not even the Evil One, can save him from your merciful help. In your hands, there is not a single knot that cannot be untied. Almighty Mother, by your grace and by your power of intercession with your Son Jesus, My Liberator, today receive this "knot" ..... (name it, if possible). For the glory of God, I ask you to undo it, and undo it forever. I hope in You. You are the only Comforter that God has given me, you are the fortress of my fragile forces, the richness of my miseries, the deliverance of all that prevents me from being with Christ. Accept my call, keep me, guide me, protect me. You are my safe haven. Mary who unties the knots, pray for me.

First day: beloved Holy Mother, very Holy Mary, You who undo the "knots" which choke your children, extend your merciful hands towards me. I give you today this "knot" .... (name it), and all the negative consequences it has in my life. I give you this "knot" which torments me, makes me unhappy (se) and prevents me so much from uniting with You and Your Son Jesus, my Savior. I have recourse to you, "Marie who undoes the knots" because I trust you and I know that you have never disdained a sinful child who begs you to help him. I believe that you can undo this "knot" because Jesus gives you all power. I trust that you will accept to untie this knot, because you are my Mother. I know you will because you love me with the very love of God. Thank you my beloved Mother. "Mary who unties the knots", pray for me. Who seeks grace, will find it in the hands of Mary.

Second day: Mary, beloved Mother, source of all graces, my heart turns to You today. I recognize that I am a sinner and that I need your help. Because of my selfishness, my grudges, my lack of generosity and my lack of humility, I very often neglected the graces you get me. I turn to You today "Mary who unties the knots", so that you ask, for me, your Son Jesus purity of heart, detachment, humility and confidence. I will live this day by practicing these virtues. I will offer them to you as proof of my love for You. I put in your hands this "knot" .... (to name it), which prevents me from reflecting the glory of God. "Mary who unties the knots", pray for me. Mary offered to God every moment of her day.

Third day: Mother mediator, Queen of Heaven, you whose hands receive and distribute all the riches of the King, turn your merciful eyes towards me. I deposit in your holy hands this "knot" of my life ...., all the grudge, all the resentment for which it is the source.
I beg your pardon, Father God, for my faults. Help me now to forgive all the people who, consciously or unconsciously, caused this "knot". It is in the measure of my abandonment that You will be able to undo it. Before You, beloved Mother, and in the name of Your Son Jesus, my Savior, who was so offended, and who knew how to forgive, I now forgive these people ..........., and I forgive myself too, forever. Thank you, "Marie who undoes the knots" for undoing in my heart the knot of bitterness, and the knot that I present to you now. Amen. "Mary who unties the knots", pray for me. Whoever wants graces turns to Mary.
Fourth day: Beloved Holy Mother, welcoming to all who seek you, have mercy on me. I put in your hands this "knot" ........ It prevents me from being at peace, it paralyzes my soul, prevents me from walking to my Lord and putting my life at His service . Undo this "knot" of my life, O my Mother. Ask Jesus for the healing of my paralyzed faith which is let down by the stones of the path. Walk with me, beloved Mother, so that I become aware that these stones are in fact friends, that I stop whispering, and that I learn to give thanks at all times and to smile, confident in your power. "Mary who unties the knots", pray for me. Marie is the sun and everyone benefits from its warmth.



Fifth day: "Mother who unties the knots", generous and full of compassion, I turn to you to once again put this "knot" in your hands ............ I ask the wisdom of God, so that I act under the light of the Holy Spirit to resolve all these difficulties. No one has ever seen you angry; on the contrary, your words were so full of sweetness that one could see in you the heart of God. Deliver me from the bitterness, anger and hatred that this "knot" gave birth to in me. Beloved mother, give me your sweetness and your wisdom and that I learn to meditate silently in my heart. And, as you did at Pentecost, intercede with Jesus so that I may receive in my life a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Spirit of God, come on me! "Mary who unties the knots", pray for me. Mary is rich in power with God.

Sixth day: Queen of Mercy, I give you this "knot" of my life ............, and I ask you to give me a heart that knows how to be patient while you undo this "knot ". Teach me to persevere in listening to the Word of Your Son, to confess, to commune, in short, stay with me. Prepare my heart to celebrate with the angels the grace that you are obtaining from me. "Mary who unties the knots", pray for me. You are very beautiful, Marie, and no task has defiled you.

Seventh day: Very pure mother, I turn to you today: I beg you to undo this "knot" in my life .................., and to free from the grip of Evil. God has granted you great power over all demons. Today I renounce demons and all the links I had with them. I proclaim that Jesus is my only Savior, my only Lord. Ô "Marie who unties the knots", crushes the head of the Evil One. Destroy the traps that caused these "knots" in my life. Thank you, beloved Mother. Lord, free me from your precious Blood! "Mary who unties the knots", pray for me. "You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the honor of our people".

Eighth day: Virgin Mother of God, rich in mercy, have mercy on your child and untie this "knot" ..................., in my life. I need you to visit me, just like you visited Elizabeth. Bring Jesus to me so He can bring me the Holy Spirit. Teach me to practice the virtues of courage, joy, humility, faith, and, like Elizabeth, get me to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I want you to be my Mother, my Queen and my friend. I give you my heart and everything that belongs to me: my house, my family, my exterior and interior goods. I belong to you forever. Put your heart in me so that I can do whatever Jesus tells me to do. "Mary who unties the knots", pray for me. Let us then walk, full of confidence, towards the throne of grace.
Ninth day: Very Holy Mother, our Lawyer, You who undo the "knots", I come today to thank you for kindly undoing this "knot" ................. ......, in my life. You know the pain it causes me. Thank you, O my Mother, for drying the tears in my eyes in your mercy. Thank you for welcoming me and allowing me to receive another grace from God. "Mary who undoes the knots", oh my beloved Mother, I thank you for undoing the "knots" of my life. Wrap me in your cloak of love, keep me under your protection, enlighten me with your peace. "Mary who unties the knots", pray for us.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

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Novena to Our Lady of Fatima
Prayer to Mary Queen of Heaven:





Virgin Mary

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a model for the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. She is known as the Mother of God (since 431 at the Council of Ephesus, because Jesus is at the same time the Son of God and God himself), Mary of Nazareth, the Blessed Virgin, the Holy Mary, the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady...



The Virgin Mary, like all the saints of the Church, intercedes for believers before God. She is the advocate of believers. Through prayer, the faithful can ask the Virgin Mary for faith, courage, strength, gentleness, humility, etc.

Find on, all the prayers linked to the keyword Virgin Mary.


See all the prayers of the theme: Virgin Mary




A novena is a prayer that is done in 9 successive days. Through this type of prayer, one asks through the intercession of a saint, an angel, the Virgin Mary or directly to God himself, a favour. Numerous testimonies throughout the world show the effectiveness of novenas when they are made with strong faith.



See all the prayers of the theme: Novena



Desperate Causes

Prayers for desperate causes. If you are in situations where you think that everything is lost, if you are in situations where you think that there is nothing more to be done, if you are having moments where you think that the sky has fallen on your head, here are prayers that will show you that all is not lost.

 You are not abandoned. You are not alone. The power of God is here. It's just waiting for you to call on it!



See all the prayers of the theme: Desperate Causes



difficult causes

Prayers for difficult causes are effective for complicated, desperate or difficult cases. Situations where all seems lost.

If you are going through complicated times, if you think you have already tried everything and your situation does not change, if everything seems to be going against you, try prayers for difficult cases. Pray with faith and fervour.




These prayers are usually attributed to certain saints whose intercession is infallible with God the Father or His Son Jesus Christ.

Whether it is under the intercession of St. Rita, St. Joseph, St. Anne, Padre Pio or other saints, testimonies are pouring in from people all over the world who have experienced the power of God through these prayers for difficult causes.

If you are living in difficult situations, if you have problems that you think are hopeless, if you are in despair over the unpredictable events of life, if you have searched for a long time but have not found what you were looking for, if you have lost the taste for life, try these prayers for difficult causes.


See all the prayers of the theme: difficult causes




When you are lucky, things usually work out in the sense that you are more successful. You always arrive at the right time to benefit from this or that thing or situation. You meet the right people on your way. Generally speaking, you attract the right people, the right events...




It is true that there are people who are naturally born lucky. However, it also happens that bad people steal or turn this luck into bad luck.


How to attract luck?

Whether one is a believer or not, luck comes from the Most High. It is He who gives to those who ask for it, in one way or another. Our inner ways of being and doing play a big part in everything that happens to us.

There is an adage that says "If you draw the devil on the wall, he appears in your house".


If you want to attract luck to you, the work to be done starts within you. Learn to think positive first. When you pray, for example, really think about getting what you ask for. Believe. Have faith.


If you are experiencing repeated situations where you feel you are unlucky, offers prayers (psalms and other prayers) to enable you to ask the God-above-all to grant you luck in your projects or endeavours.

Think you have it and you will have it!


See all the prayers of the theme: Luck



against blockages



See all the prayers of the theme: against blockages



spiritual warfare



See all the prayers of the theme: spiritual warfare



against bitter enemies

Bitter enemies seek to destroy you, to annihilate you. They are trying by all means to destroy you. For this, they use different means to achieve their objectives: slander, backbiting, theft, plots, bewitchment, attacking people who are dear to you, etc.

Prayer can help you face and overcome those bitter and ruthless enemies who, driven by hellish hatred, seek only your downfall or that of your loved ones.

Here are some prayers gathered on this page for this cause:



See all the prayers of the theme: against bitter enemies







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