Updated : Sun 31 Mar 2024 AM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
Litanies Saints
Lord have mercy on us.
Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.
God the Father, who reigns in heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, who has come to save the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, who fills the universe, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Queen of Angels, pray for us.
Saint Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Militia, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel, sent from the Most High to the purest of virgins, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, leader of the young and virtuous Tobit, pray for us.
Saint Guardian Angel, my light, protector, counsel and guide, pray for us.
Holy Cherubim, Seraphim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, and Principalities, pray for us.
Holy Archangels and Holy Angels, pray for us.
Holy Angels, who unceasingly sing the praises of the thrice holy God, pray for us.
Holy Angels, who breathe only the glory of the Lord, and who burn with the fire of His love, pray for us.
Holy Angels, who taste the heavenly joy of the conversion of a sinner, pray for us.
Holy Angels, who present to the Almighty our miseries and our wishes, pray for us.
Holy Angels, who come to our aid in all dangers, pray for us.
Holy Angels, who support us in all our struggles, pray for us.
Holy Angels, who protect us, especially in our final assaults, pray for us.
Holy Angels, who carry our souls in the bosom of the God of mercies, pray for us.
All of you blessed Spirits, who work unceasingly to associate us with your happiness, pray for us.
And you, O Jesus, Angel of the eternal covenant between God and men, be propitious to us and forgive us.
Divine Jesus, Almighty Angel of the Heavenly Council, hear us.
From all the evils we suffer, and from our iniquities which are the fountain of evil, deliver us, O Lord.
From the efforts of the angel of darkness, so multiplied in our days, deliver us, Lord.
From sudden and unexpected death, but especially from eternal death, deliver us, Lord.
Through the intercession of your holy angels, deliver us, Lord.
We implore your great mercies, hear us, Lord.
We ask you to forgive us our iniquities, hear us, Lord.
We ask you to preserve our souls and those of our brothers from the misfortune of offending you again, and from losing us for ever, hear us, Lord.
We ask you to send your Angels of peace, to gather in you all minds and hearts, hear us, Lord.
We ask you to make us attentive and faithful to follow the inspirations of those to whom you have entrusted us, hear us, Lord.
We ask you to procure through your holy Angels, the relief and deliverance of the souls who groan in purgatory, hear us, Lord.
We ask you to help us at the hour of death through the ministry of these heavenly Spirits, hear us, Lord.
We ask you to receive our souls by their hands, and to make us enjoy with them the delights of your divine presence, hear us, Lord.
Son of God, whom the angels contemplate and adore eternally, hear us.
Lamb of God, who blot out the sins of the world, forgive us.
Lamb of God, who blot out the sins of the world, hear us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Let us pray.
O Lord, who shares with an admirable order the various ministries and functions of Angels and men, grant us, by Your grace, that those who are always in heaven in Your presence to serve You, may also defend our life on earth: through Our Lord Jesus Christ, so be it.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
Litanies are prayers characterised by the chanted repetition of intercessory requests. These intercessory requests are generally addressed to the Virgin Mary, the Sacred Heart or the Saints and are intended to solicit their intercession with God.
When to recite the litanies and what are they for?
The litanies are generally recited individually, depending on the difficulty for which help is desired, in groups (in families or in prayer groups) and in certain solemn liturgical ceremonies of the Catholic Church.
The Litanies of the Saints for example, are sung during the Easter Vigil, during baptism ceremonies, priestly or episcopal ordinations and on the feast of the Saints (All Saints).
The prayer of the Litany is foreseen, in particular, during the Easter Vigil, before the blessing of the baptismal water, and also during the celebration of baptism and ordinations to the sacred order of the episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate, as well as in the rite of the consecration of virgins and of religious profession in the rite of dedication of a church and an altar, during rogations, during Masses with stations and during penitential processions, to order the Evil One away in exorcisms, and finally to recommend the dying to the mercy of God.
The Litany of the Saints, which contains elements from both liturgical tradition and popular piety, illustrates the Church's trust in the intercession of the Saints, and highlights her experience of the communion that unites the Church in the heavenly Jerusalem and the Church still on pilgrimage on earth. It is permitted to invoke in the Litany of the Saints the names of those listed in the liturgical calendars of dioceses and religious institutes.
It is evident that it is forbidden to insert in the Litanies the names of persons whose cult is not recognised.
See all the prayers of the theme: Litanies
Saints are divine creatures of different categories: Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Prophets and Martyrs, Apostles and Evangelists, Committed Laymen and Priests, Bishops and Popes, Heroes and Heroines of the faith, Virgins and Doctors of the Church, Beatified of the Lord...
See all the prayers of the theme: Saints
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