Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
Saints healing physical illnessesSaint Isarn is invoked to obtain the cure of pleuritis. Saint Isarne distinguished himself in particular by his untiring charity towards the prisoners. Throughout his life, he strove to have the relics of the saints respected, venerated and honoured. Saint Isarn was a model of virtue and many pagans converted to his example. The monks of the monastery of Saint-Victor in Marseille had the privilege of having him as their abbot and their monastery benefited from the miracles and graces that the virtues of Saint Isarn attracted.
Deign, Lord, always keep in our hearts the memory of the virtues and miracles of Saint Isarn; may he become our protector at this time when we fear for ourselves and for so many others the effects of your anger against sinners. May his prayers assist us and save us. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.
Saint Isarn, assist me and pray for me.
O my Jesus! my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow, when I think of this prayer which you addressed to your heavenly Father, when prostrated in the dust, you say to him: "Father, if it is possible, remove this chalice from me; however, let your will be done, and not mine. And on the other hand, my soul is filled with the keenest gratitude, when I consider your passion, to which all mankind, and my poor soul in particular, owe their salvation, and which began so sadly in Garden of Olives. The words of your prayer tell me enough of the magnitude of your overwhelming: but also, it is by participating in our weakness that you have healed it; it was by submitting to the fear of death that you drove it from our hearts. You wanted to experience this fear which makes us all tremble, in order to take upon you all our miseries, and to strengthen our fear and our uncertainties by trusting in God. So be it.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
Saints are divine creatures of different categories: Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Prophets and Martyrs, Apostles and Evangelists, Committed Laymen and Priests, Bishops and Popes, Heroes and Heroines of the faith, Virgins and Doctors of the Church, Beatified of the Lord...
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See all the prayers of the theme: healing physical illnesses
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