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The four acts (recent form)

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

to be known by every good Christian
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I believe in you, Lord. You are one God, but you have revealed yourself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Through baptism, you have made me a part of your life. Strengthen my faith and allow me to act in all things as your Son Jesus Christ.




I hope in you, Lord. To those who love you you promised true life. In the difficulties of life and at the hour of death, strengthen my trust in him who gives us new life through his victory over death, your Son Jesus Christ.


I love you Lord, because you loved me first. May your Spirit increase charity in me, making me love all men as he who loved them to the end, your Son Jesus Christ.


My God, I have sinned against you and my brothers, but near you is forgiveness. Accept my repentance and give me the strength to live according to your love.





Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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The four acts(traditional form)
Prayer before work





to be known by every good Christian

There are prayers in Christianity and other religions that are said by the faithful at least once a day.

Every good Christian is supposed to know certain prayers that are taught to be recited at a very early age. gathers through these keywords all the prayers that every good Christian should know.


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