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● Holy Quran ● Saints ● Symbology ● Meaning of dreams ● Superstitions

Meaning of Dreams Spider

Added : Friday 23 December 2022 à 17:05 | Modifié : Monday 24 April 2023 à 21:45

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"Morning spider: sorrow; evening spider: hope. This omen sums up the ambivalence that we attribute to the spider, an ambivalence or dual nature that we find in the interpretation of our spider dreams. If we refer to the Latin origin of its name, the spider would only be of interest for its web. Indeed, aranea, from which derives "spider", originally meant "web of arachnids". Arachnids, for their part, take their name from the Greek arahknê, spider, perhaps derived from arkus, the Greek fishermen's net.







This mythical legend should invite us to have more sympathy and compassion for this cold-blooded animal, which has eight legs, sometimes two pairs of lungs (in the case of the mygale, for example), and a flexible abdomen that produces silk, which the spider uses to weave its web. The spider is actually very useful, if you think about it, as it feeds on insects. But we prefer to see in the legend of Arakhne a representation of blind ambition or megalomania. However, if we are to believe naturalists, although the spider's love habits are similar to those of the praying mantis (the female of some species having a propensity to devour the male after mating), its maternal qualities are beyond doubt, and the weaving of its web is a true marvel of nature.


Arakhne was the name of a young girl from Lydia, who plays an important role in Greek mythology. According to the legend, Arakhnê, the daughter of a dyer, became famous for her weaving and embroidery skills. Her work was so beautiful that all the nymphs around her came to admire it. It was said that she had been initiated into the art of spinning and tapestry by Athena, a fearsome warrior goddess, but also and paradoxically the patron saint of spinners and embroiderers.


However, Arakhnê did not see it that way. She boasted of her gift and claimed that she owed nothing to Athena. As proof of her good faith, she challenged the goddess, who appeared to her as a kindly old woman, advising her to be much more humble and not to boast of her gifts and talents in front of Athena, who was so sensitive. But not content with hearing nothing, Arakhnê began to utter insults to the goddess. In rage, Athena revealed her true face, weaving a superb tapestry in front of Arakhne, representing the 12 gods of Olympus, thus demonstrating to the insolent woman their supremacy over all the mortals who had wanted to challenge them. Arakhnê, neither impressed nor intimidated, wove a no less superb tapestry depicting the adulterous love affairs of the 12 gods of Olympus, thus wanting to underline and stage their weaknesses. Furious, Athena destroyed Arakhne's work and in despair she hanged herself. But just before she passed from life to death, Athena, preventing her from dying, transformed her into a spider, thus condemning her to weave her web for eternity.



Terrifying and protective

So where does the instinctive terror, the ancestral revulsion and the uncontrollable disgust come from, which most women especially feel when they see a spider? Is it because its web reminds them of the thoughts that they too weave day after day and which they know how to make real, or is it because this animal alludes to the composure that women know how to show in circumstances where men often lose their footing, giving in to panic or violence?


In any case, these are two interpretations that immediately come to mind when a woman has a spider dream. Nevertheless, from the point of view of symbolic and psychological interpretation, one should never exclude the fact that the spider frequently played a protective and beneficial role in the minds of our ancestors. For example, the famous filandres, or "threads of the Virgin", residues of spider webs floating between the branches of trees in the wind, were perceived as the hair of the Virgin of the Christians in the Middle Ages, and were considered a very good omen when seen.



Morning spider, evening spider

Spider dreams are thus very often related to thoughts, feelings, wishes, everything that is woven and woven in the minds and hearts of people as the days go by, and which sometimes brings them together, like a spider's web hanging between two branches of two different trees, which, thanks to it, are connected to each other. So it is with the spider you see in the evening, which everyone knows is a sign of hope. But what hope is it exactly?


The hope of seeing a desire, a wish, a project come true, the one that occupies our mind at the moment we dream of the spider. And why would the evening spider be more conducive to hope than the morning and midday spiders, which have a more unfortunate reputation? Because the evening is the hour of rest and relaxation, and is therefore favourable to reflection, meditation, and everything that revolves around thoughts and feelings, whereas the morning is the moment of the day during which we enter into active life, and midday is the moment when we reap the fruits of our actions - symbolically, of course.



Dream of a spider

If it is a large spider, you will make an excellent deal as a result of a transaction, or you will gain important advantages from a situation that at first seemed complicated. Or, if in your dream you knew that this large spider was poisonous, but that it did not attack you, you will benefit from a real stroke of luck, an important influx of money, or an increase in your purchasing power resulting from a happy combination of circumstances.


Or, if this spider bites you, a totally unexpected event which may seem unpleasant or negative at first, will in the end turn out to be a very good omen, and the cause of a change in your situation, or a renewal in your life. Or if it was a small spider, you will receive a gift, or a small increase in your income.



Dream of many spiders walking or swarming on the floor

By cultivating ideas that are too realistic or concrete, or by looking at things in too down-to-earth a way, you are compensating for your dark thoughts, anxieties and worries of which these spiders are representations.


Dream of one or more spiders climbing up a wall

Your thoughts and feelings will be troubled and worrying. Or a strange event will surprise or shock you. Or this dream invites you to be more attentive to your behaviour, your actions, and your reactions, and more generally to the relationships that you cultivate with the people around you. Or finally, you will go through a long period of success and achievement.



Dream of one or more spiders walking on the ceiling

You are repressing or refusing to integrate your strange ideas, your unusual reactions and your strange behaviour into your consciousness. Or you will surprise yourself by acting or reacting in a strange or unusual way, you will be in the grip of a stroke or a moment of uncontrollable madness, or you will have strange ideas.



Dream of experiencing great fright or repulsion at the sight of one or more spiders

This dream tells you that you have sinned for too long through negligence, clumsiness, weakness, or lack of clairvoyance and lucidity with regard to yourself, or with regard to certain people, or that you have deluded yourself. In any case, the appearance of this or these spiders causing you such a fright or repulsion constitutes a sort of sudden awakening of your conscience, a cry of alarm and warning encouraging you to react promptly.

Dream of being in a place full of spider webs

You will be confronted with an old situation that you have probably allowed to deteriorate or degenerate without reacting at the right time.


Dream of moving through a space cluttered with cobwebs, and being covered in them

You will be confronted with difficulties, obstacles, a very complicated situation from which you will have difficulty getting out.



Dream of a spider spinning its web

You are probably on the verge of falling into a trap that is currently being set without your knowledge, and which this dream warns you about. Or, you will fall into your own trap that you are currently weaving without realizing it.


Dream of a superb spider's web

You are becoming, or must become (as the case may be) aware of the fragility and transience of things in this world. Or you are moving through a labyrinth of ideas, speculations and intellectual convictions which are certainly attractive and stimulating, but which cut you off from reality, from your instinct and from life.





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