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Prières de combat

Le combat est un aspect que revêt aussi la prière. Par elle, nous luttons, non «contre le sang et la chair, mais ... contre la puissance spirituelle de méchanceté qui est dans les lieux célestes» (Éph. 6:12).

Il est frappant de constater que dans ce chapitre 6 de l’épître aux Éphésiens, la mention de la prière fait immédiatement suite à la description de l’armure complète de Dieu. Nous avons un type remarquable de la lutte contre la chair dans le combat d’Israël contre Amalek (Ex. 17). Pour nous, nous avons en Christ un intercesseur dont les mains ne s’appesantissent jamais, de sorte qu’en Lui, il est toujours possible de remporter la victoire. En nous approchant du trône de la grâce pour avoir du secours au moment opportun, nous pouvons combattre par la prière, tant individuellement que collectivement. Épaphras combattait toujours pour les Colossiens, par des prières (Col. 4:12). Paul exhorte les Romains à combattre avec lui, dans leurs prières (Rom. 15:30).



All prayers Prières de combat

Prayer for deliverance from bad vibes to ward off bad luck

Prayer for liberation from husbands and wives of the night (Jean Pliya)

Prayer for physical healing Resumption of a prayer by Father Emilien Tardif, with some complementary additions, to be said after communion

Prayer for protection against visible and invisible enemies

Prayer for protection (Jean Pliya)

Prayer for protection through the blood of Jesus

Prayer for spiritual protection and purification of ancestral bonds through generations

Prayer for spiritual protection (Jean Pliya) Against occult attacks and ceremonies dedicated to Satan and all kinds of nuisances.

Prayer For Strength in Spiritual Warfare - A Prayer When You’re Weak

Prayer for the reconciliation of our family history

Prayer for the severing of ties (curses, family ties ...)

Prayer in the event of an assault to be urgently repelled

Prayer of deliverance





Prayers at random:

● Prayer for a new year filled with success
●Prayer to Saint Christopherprotection in the car, have a safe trip
●Psalm 51 :Against traitors, envious and evil tongues, as well as against people casting spells.
●Prayer to Saints Abdon and Sennen or Abdo, Abdus, and Sennes, Sennis, Zennenhelp to make a good decision
●Prayer to break all magicand weaken the satanic forces
●Prayer to love God perfectly
●Prayer to Saint Eutychiaagainst swelling of the legs
●Prayer to Saint Ritato obtain the healing of an disease
●Morning PrayerFor Inner Peace #1
●LitanyFor Priests
●Mother Teresa's prayerfor reconciliation
●Psalm 79Against the jealousies and ravages of enemies. Protection of the vine against diseases.
●Prayer to Saint Procopiusagainst the evil spells of wedding rings
●Prayer of Gratitudeto My Savior Jesus Christ
●Prayer For Help in Spiritual Warfare -A Prayer When You’re Frustrated
●Prayer Against AnxietyDuring Job-Interview
●Prayer to Saint Sigismundto fight against hernias
●Prayer for May 21 : Poetry of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
●Little Rosary of the Immaculate Conception
●Prayer for Guidanceto Do the Right Thing
●12 Powerful Novena Prayersfor Special Favors
●Soul of Christ
●Prayerto love the Church
●Prayer of renunciation
●Prayer for the dying
●Prayer to Saint Gummarus (Gomer, Gommaire, Guntmar, Gummar, Gommar or Gummery)for the healing of hernias

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