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Prayer to ask for the graces of his condition

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

to God Blessing Wellness Luck Self-confidence Guide intuition Jesus Justice Liberation Forgiveness Protection Purification Resisting temptation Success wealth Holy Spirit eternal life
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O God,
whose eternal wisdom
rule all things
and whose Providence
intended for everyone,
I thank you for the state to which
you liked to call me;
let me know my homework,
and grant me the grace to fill them.
Make that loving my vocation,
I remain faithful to it,
and that I behave in a way
who is worthy of it
and who is worthy of you,
who called me there.



Don't let me let go
to the agitations of a restless mind
who is bored or who relaxes
in his job,
who likes change,
and who wants happiness
let him imagine himself in the state of others.
Give me submission at your will.
Fill me with our mind,
wisdom, intelligence
and the science that is needed
in the job you gave me.
Make it grow in my hands
the talent you put into it
and which I must report to you.
Apply me to everything
what you ask of me;
apply me to all kinds of goods,
so that I do your will
with courage and perseverance.

So be it.



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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Prayer to ask for the grace of a good death
Prayer for the Deceased





to God

To God, the being above all, nothing is impossible. Everything is possible with him. Whatever difficulties you find yourself in, trust in him, have faith. Pray to him and he will answer you.

Prayers addressed directly to God do not go through any intermediary. He receives them as they are. Some people prefer this type of prayer where they speak, in their hearts, directly to God.




God is present everywhere. Within us and without us. Even when we think we are alone, he is there. He sees us, he listens to us. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

Like a good father with his children, he is compassionate, merciful and always ready to forgive us our failings and sins.

Let us entrust ourselves to him, ask him for the grace to be a reflection of his love for mankind. Let us entrust ourselves to him and be attentive to the different signs and messages that he sends us every day, within us or outside us through our fellow human beings.


See all the prayers of the theme: to God




A blessing is a grace, a favour granted by God. Through priests and all other people (religious, traditionalists or simple faithful) who may be at a certain moment in a state of benevolence to bless, it is always God Almighty who acts.

When a person is blessed, whatever good he or she does is bound to succeed, whatever the difficulties.


In everyday life, believers of all religions and beliefs often use blessed objects (bibles, candles, rosaries, crosses, etc.). gathers through the keyword blessing, prayers to ask for blessing, to bless places, objects of piety and everything that may require a blessing.


See all the prayers of the theme: Blessing




Well-being is what every human being naturally aspires to. The satisfaction of achieving the level of physical, psychological, social and spiritual balance that allows us to live a happy and fulfilling life is a permanent quest.



There are many obstacles to achieving well-being. Poverty, which prevents us from having our daily bread or a healthy diet, lack of regular physical activity, stress due to the vagaries of life, poor hygiene and tumultuous social relationships are all factors that hinder well-being.

To achieve and maintain permanent well-being, it is important to find a balance between work, rest and entertainment, and to engage in regular activities that involve well-being and personal development. 

Spirituality is also a very important way to help achieve and maintain permanent well-being. That is why we offer prayers on this subject to help you achieve permanent well-being.


See all the prayers of the theme: Wellness




When you are lucky, things usually work out in the sense that you are more successful. You always arrive at the right time to benefit from this or that thing or situation. You meet the right people on your way. Generally speaking, you attract the right people, the right events...




It is true that there are people who are naturally born lucky. However, it also happens that bad people steal or turn this luck into bad luck.


How to attract luck?

Whether one is a believer or not, luck comes from the Most High. It is He who gives to those who ask for it, in one way or another. Our inner ways of being and doing play a big part in everything that happens to us.

There is an adage that says "If you draw the devil on the wall, he appears in your house".


If you want to attract luck to you, the work to be done starts within you. Learn to think positive first. When you pray, for example, really think about getting what you ask for. Believe. Have faith.


If you are experiencing repeated situations where you feel you are unlucky, offers prayers (psalms and other prayers) to enable you to ask the God-above-all to grant you luck in your projects or endeavours.

Think you have it and you will have it!


See all the prayers of the theme: Luck




Self-confidence is a fundamental element for success in everything we do. Having self-confidence allows you to face up to things, to assert yourself. When we have self-confidence, we transform our fears into positive energy.



Several prayers are gathered here on to allow you to ask the Almighty to give the grace to obtain self-confidence.


See all the prayers of the theme: Self-confidence






See all the prayers of the theme: Guide




True intuition is the sudden revelation of what is. It's a flash of truth. It has nothing to do with our fears or desires.

Here we offer prayers that can help you develop this gift of intuition.



See all the prayers of the theme: intuition




Jesus Christ is a central figure in Christianity. He is regarded as the incarnation of God. 

The historical existence of Jesus is attested by archaeological research and by the accounts of Roman historians (Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius).



At about the age of thirty, Jesus left Nazareth and began an itinerant public life. He calls his disciples and walks with them through Judea and Galilee. He teaches, he heals the sick, casts out demons, walks on water, forgives sins, raises the dead. He is attentive to children. He shares meals, a wedding party, pilgrimages to Jerusalem. He lives as a Jewish believer, goes to the synagogue, observes the Sabbath. He weeps, gets angry, experiences sadness, fatigue and thirst, compassion and even anguish. Jesus is known for his natural authority.

With all the miracles he performed, Jesus is the one to whom prayers should be addressed no matter what difficulties one faces.


See all the prayers of the theme: Jesus




Is human justice always blind? To this question, people who have been wrongly accused and convicted despite their innocence by powerful enemies will answer with vigour, NO!


It happens that in our societies, which often reflect those who have power and where the law of the strongest reigns, people with power and/or money bring those they consider to be their enemies before the justice system, which is theirs. The latter, whose only crime is to be poor or not to have important connections like the former, are almost always convicted. In such cases, where injustice rules, the only thing left for these persecuted people is divine help.


If you are dragged before the courts when you are REALLY innocent, there are prayers you can use to implore the help of the Most High, so that you may be innocent or that TRUE JUSTICE may be done.


See all the prayers of the theme: Justice




Many people have been or are under the influence of evil forces. Under the influence of these minions of the evil one, these people are not always in control of all the actions they take. They are thus teleguided by the darkness to always commit what is not good for them and for society.



There are prayers that can help those in the grip of the evil one to break free from these chains that bind them and subject them to the authority of Satan.


Spiritual liberation makes us... free. It gives us the inner peace that is essential for living life to the full. When we are freed from all the shackles that prevent us from living fully as true children of GOD, we have confidence in ourselves whatever the difficulties of life. offers you multiple prayers of liberation that have proven themselves so far. As many people have already experienced, with unwavering faith, try any or all of them and FREE YOURSELF from the actions of the devil that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.


See all the prayers of the theme: Liberation




Many of us have experienced offences that have shaken us so badly that it has not been easy to forgive. Frustrated, heartbroken and resentful, we wish harm and seek revenge. In these attitudes, we hurt ourselves even more. People with a certain knowledge of how things work tell us that refusing to forgive and wishing harm on those who have wronged us is like drinking poison and wishing that it is the people who have offended you who die




By brooding over anger, frustrations and resentments every day, you are killing yourself. You are "committing suicide"! 

It is better to FORGIVEFORGIVENESS liberates, sanctifies, renews, gives inner peace and allows you to approach life's events more serenely. If you decide to forgive or ask for forgiveness sincerely, you will see the positive changes that will take place. Whatever damage you have suffered, forgive and entrust yourself to God who, through the Holy Spirit, will be able to inspire you and guide you in order to avoid or overcome the nuisances of malicious people.

Through this keyword "FORGIVENESS", we offer you prayers that will inspire you with the words to forgive and also to receive forgiveness.



See all the prayers of the theme: Forgiveness




Protective prayers are prayers that aim to protect from the action of the forces of evil, as the name suggests. The minions of the evil one and all their spawn spend all their time attacking the children of God. By praying regularly for divine protection, you place yourself under the protection of the Most High, the One who is above all, the One before whom every knee bends. Thus, by praying the prayers of protection, God annihilates for you, in one way or another, all the attacks of malevolent forces.



By using God's power to protect you, you can embark on your endeavours with confidence that you will succeed, because God will deal with the negative forces that would try to harm you.

We all know the adage that says "the enemy never sleeps". gathers through the keyword protection, all the prayers of protection which can be useful for you for this or that situation of the life.

With these prayers, have recourse with assurance to the protection of the Almighty who will strike down all entities that would try to obstruct your projects and your undertakings.


See all the prayers of the theme: Protection




Every day, through our activities and interactions with others and the environment, we get dirty in one way or another. Physically, we need to wash ourselves every day to cleanse ourselves, to remove all the dirt that would prevent us from feeling better.

Just as we get dirty physically, we also get dirty spiritually. We get dirty spiritually by our actions or indirectly by the malicious actions of others. Dirt" can thus be born from our sins, from bewitchments or from any other voluntary or involuntary action carried out with the aim of causing harm.




When we are "spiritually dirty", things do not always work out as they should. Some people will say that they are unlucky, unlucky. Biological illnesses, spiritual illnesses and problems of all kinds are always there as if called or attracted by a magnet. There is always an event or the action of others that will prevent the success of our undertakings.

In these unfortunate situations, we need to "spiritually cleanse" ourselves, to purify ourselves. Spiritual cleansing cleanses us from all defilement. It removes the dark veil that prevents us from living fully and darkens our energies, our inner light.

It is true that everyone can purify themselves through prayer and a healthy lifestyle that will attract positive energies and at the same time remove anything that could attract evil. However, there are cases that require the action of an experienced specialist (for example a priest for Catholic Christians). God, through the Holy Spirit, will work through him to pull out the roots of evil and, through your faith and constant prayer, you can complete this work.

We are gathering for you prayers with the keyword PURIFICATION, to enable you to renew yourselves from time to time and live your lives fully as true children of God.



See all the prayers of the theme: Purification



Resisting temptation

The road to God is far from being a long, quiet river. It is strewn with all kinds of pitfalls, including temptations. All those who are spiritually inclined know something about this.

Every day, the attacks of the evil one, who acts through thoughts or our fellow men, are without respite. Awake or asleep, temptations come from all sides. Fortunately, prayer is a powerful weapon through which God acts in our lives, to prevent us from succumbing to the traps of the evil one and his minions.


It sometimes happens that we fall, that we succumb to temptations, but the essential thing is to get up again and to take steps to avoid falling victim to them.


We offer you prayers to help you in your fight against the forces of evil that want and seek the downfall of mankind, through the keyword "RESIST THE TENTATIONS". With these prayers, arm yourself to resist the many temptations that stand in your way, the way of salvation, the way that leads to God.


See all the prayers of the theme: Resisting temptation




We all seek success in everything we do. Whether it is in our studies, our career, our relationships with others or life in society in general, success is for many the key to happiness. The road to success has never been without obstacles, pitfalls and difficulties.



The obstacles that can stand between us and success can be diverse. They may be natural or they may emanate from the malicious will of some equally malicious individual.

It is therefore important for believers to implore, to seek divine help in order to counteract the action of malevolent forces that would try to prevent the attainment of the goals of success.

Excel in your efforts, but first pray for the support of the Most High who always accompanies any success. gathers, through the keyword success, all the useful prayers that will inspire you to address the Lord God who inevitably leads... to success.


See all the prayers of the theme: Success






See all the prayers of the theme: wealth



Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is the third person of the Trinity. His action is in perfect unity with the Father (GOD) and the Son (Jesus Christ). When we are in a state where we deserve to receive Him, He enlightens us, guides us, protects us from all dangers (spiritual and physical).



In the Bible, several symbols are used to designate the Holy Spirit: breath that makes you breathe; wind that pushes you out; oil that gives strength to athletes; fire that warms and purifies; dove that descends from heaven.


We can pray to the Holy Spirit to implore his gifts which are :

  • Wisdom: it makes us taste the presence of God, in a greater companionship with him, and a greater missionary dynamism. It is the contemplative gift par excellence.
  • Intelligence: it helps us to enter into the mystery of God, to understand the faith and the Scriptures from within, and to distinguish error from truth. Through this gift, every Christian can become an authentic theologian.
  • Science: it allows us to recognise God at work in nature and in history, to receive the world as a gift from God. It gives a sense of the precariousness of the universe.
  • Strength: it gives perseverance in times of trial, the courage to bear witness. It supports the martyrs, but also helps in the day-to-day fulfilment of one's duties as a state and in the spiritual struggle. It is the heroism of lowliness.
  • Counsel: this is the gift of spiritual discernment. It adjusts what to do or avoid, to say or not to say. It enables us to see clearly in ourselves and in others.
  • Piety: it allows us to experience God's fatherhood, his closeness, his tenderness. It gives us the confidence of a child. It also brings us close to others.
  • Fear: this is not the fear of God but the sense of his greatness. Awareness of the infinite distance between the Almighty and us, his creatures. This gift gives rise to an attitude of humility and wonder.



See all the prayers of the theme: Holy Spirit



eternal life



See all the prayers of the theme: eternal life







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