GOMEL To recite after a trip, an accident or an illness
Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
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To recite after a trip, an accident or an illness
Halelouyah ode Ado-nay bekhol levav, bessod yechavim veeda.
Hodou la-Ado-nay ki tov, ki
leolam ‘hasdo.
Yodou la-Ado-nay ‘hasdo
venifleotam livne adam.
Baroukh atta Ado-nay Elo-henou melekh
ha’olam hagomel le’hayavim tovoth, chegue
malani kol tov.
Assistance responds:
Amen, hael acher guemala’h kol tov vehen va’hessed
ve’hemla. Yitbarakh veyitromam al
kol berakha outehila hou berakhamav
yichmor’ha veyigumol’ha laad kol tov netsa’h sela.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |
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