Updated : Sun 30 Apr 2023 PM (UTC +1)
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
Litanies Holy Spirit
Lord have mercy on us,
Jesus Christ, have mercy on us,
Lord have mercy on us,
Jesus Christ, listen to us.
Jesus Christ, hear us,
Heavenly Father, who is God, have mercy on us...
Son, Redeemer of the world, who is God, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, who is God, have mercy on us...
Holy Trinity, who are one God, have mercy on us...
Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, have mercy on us.
Spirit of the Lord, who in the beginning of the world hovered over the waters, and made them
fertile, have mercy on us
Spirit by whose inspiration the holy men of God have spoken, have mercy on us.
Spirit whose anointing teaches us all things, have mercy on us.
Spirit who bears witness to Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.
Spirit of truth who instruct us in all things, have mercy on us.
Spirit who came in Mary, have mercy on us.
Spirit of the Lord, who fills the whole earth, have mercy on us.
Spirit of God, who is in us, have mercy on us...
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, have mercy on us...
Spirit of counsel and strength, have mercy on us...
Spirit of science and piety, have mercy on us...
Spirit of the fear of the Lord, have mercy on us...
Spirit of grace and mercy have mercy on us
Spirit of strength, devotion and sobriety, have mercy on us.
Spirit of faith, hope, love and peace, have mercy on us.
Spirit of humility and chastity, have mercy on us.
Spirit of kindness and gentleness, have mercy on us...
Spirit of all graces, have mercy on us
Spirit that searches even the secrets of God, have mercy on us.
Spirit who prays for us with ineffable groans, have mercy on us
Spirit who descended upon Jesus Christ in the form of a dove, have mercy on us.
Spirit by which we are born again, have mercy on us...
Spirit who fills our hearts with charity, have mercy on us
Spirit of adoption of the children of God, have mercy on us.
Spirit who appeared on the Disciples in the form of tongues of fire, have mercy on us.
Spirit with which the Apostles were filled, have mercy on us.
Spirit who distributes your gifts to each one according to your will, have mercy on us.
Be auspicious to us, forgive us Lord
Propitiate us, answer us Lord
From all evil, deliver us Lord
Deliver us, Lord, from all sin
From the temptations and pitfalls of the devil, deliver us Lord
From presumption and despair, deliver us Lord
From resistance to the known truth, deliver us Lord
From stubbornness and impenitence, deliver us Lord
From all defilement of body and spirit, deliver us Lord...
From the spirit of fornication, deliver us Lord
Deliver us, Lord, from every evil spirit...
Through your eternal procession of the Father and the Son, deliver us Lord...
By the conception of Jesus Christ which was made through your operation, deliver us Lord
By your descent on Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, deliver us Lord
By your descent on the Disciples, deliver us Lord
In the great day of judgment, poor sinners, we pray you, listen to us.
So that living by the spirit, we may also act by the spirit, we pray you, listen to us.
So that we remember that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we never profane it, we pray you, listen to us.
That we may live according to the spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Please listen to us.
That we may mortify the works of the flesh, we pray you, hear us.
That we may not oppose you, who are the Holy Spirit of God, we pray you, listen to us.
So that we may take care to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, we pray you, listen to us.
So that we do not easily believe in any spirit, we pray you, listen to us.
That we may test the spirits if they are of God, we pray you, listen to us.
So that you may renew in us the spirit of righteousness, we ask you, listen to us.
So that you may strengthen us with your sovereign spirit, we pray you, listen to us...
Lamb of God, who blot out the sins of the world, forgive us Lord
Lamb of God, who blot out the sins of the world, hear us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
We beseech you, Lord, to assist us unceasingly by the power of your Holy Spirit, so that, purifying by his mercy the stains of our hearts, he may still preserve us from all evils. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português
Litanies are prayers characterised by the chanted repetition of intercessory requests. These intercessory requests are generally addressed to the Virgin Mary, the Sacred Heart or the Saints and are intended to solicit their intercession with God.
When to recite the litanies and what are they for?
The litanies are generally recited individually, depending on the difficulty for which help is desired, in groups (in families or in prayer groups) and in certain solemn liturgical ceremonies of the Catholic Church.
The Litanies of the Saints for example, are sung during the Easter Vigil, during baptism ceremonies, priestly or episcopal ordinations and on the feast of the Saints (All Saints).
The prayer of the Litany is foreseen, in particular, during the Easter Vigil, before the blessing of the baptismal water, and also during the celebration of baptism and ordinations to the sacred order of the episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate, as well as in the rite of the consecration of virgins and of religious profession in the rite of dedication of a church and an altar, during rogations, during Masses with stations and during penitential processions, to order the Evil One away in exorcisms, and finally to recommend the dying to the mercy of God.
The Litany of the Saints, which contains elements from both liturgical tradition and popular piety, illustrates the Church's trust in the intercession of the Saints, and highlights her experience of the communion that unites the Church in the heavenly Jerusalem and the Church still on pilgrimage on earth. It is permitted to invoke in the Litany of the Saints the names of those listed in the liturgical calendars of dioceses and religious institutes.
It is evident that it is forbidden to insert in the Litanies the names of persons whose cult is not recognised.
See all the prayers of the theme: Litanies
The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is the third person of the Trinity. His action is in perfect unity with the Father (GOD) and the Son (Jesus Christ). When we are in a state where we deserve to receive Him, He enlightens us, guides us, protects us from all dangers (spiritual and physical).
In the Bible, several symbols are used to designate the Holy Spirit: breath that makes you breathe; wind that pushes you out; oil that gives strength to athletes; fire that warms and purifies; dove that descends from heaven.
We can pray to the Holy Spirit to implore his gifts which are :
See all the prayers of the theme: Holy Spirit
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