Lama, think of me.
Lama, think of me.
Lama, think of me.
Glorious lama dispelling the darkness of ignorance;
Glorious lama pointing the way to liberation;
Glorious Lama releasing the waters of cyclical existence;
Glorious lama dispelling the diseases of the five poisons;
Glorious Lama, a jewel fulfilling all wishes.
Glorious Lama, please bless me to remember death and impermanence sincerely.
Glorious Lama, please bless me to produce contentment in me.
Glorious Lama, please bless me to remain in a state of meditation.
Glorious Lama, please bless me to be free from any interruption in my practice.
Glorious Lama, please bless me so that all bad conditions appear as aids.
Glorious Lama, please bless me to spontaneously realise my own well-being and that of others.
Please bless me now quickly.
Please bless me very quickly.
Please bless me on this very cushion.
Please bless me in this very session!
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