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All prayers Psalms

The Greek word psalmos (from the verb psallein) expresses the action of touching a string to make it vibrate; it evokes first the playing of a stringed instrument, then the tune played, finally the text sung with instrumental accompaniment. David appears in Scripture as a good cithara player (1 Sam 16:16-23), capable of composing real poetry (2 Sam 1:17-27), and therefore able to become the initiator of those religious poems sung and accompanied that are the Psalms (cf. 1 Chr 16:4-36).

The book of the one hundred and fifty Psalms is attributed to him, although only half of them bear his name in their title; in fact, this is more a tribute to a brilliant religious artist than a label of authenticity. Why do these one hundred and fifty Psalms, composed in Israel between the 10th and 5th centuries BCE, remain the prayers and “praises” par excellence?

It is because all humanity vibrates in these songs that launch toward God adoration, complacency and peace, but also the hatred that they exorcise, anguish and fear, overwhelm and hope, desire and expectation in newfound confidence.

Do not all the psalmists repeat in every tone the recommendation of one of them: “Throw your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you; he cannot let the righteous be moved forever” (Ps 54:23)? Nothing that is human is foreign to God; the Man-God, Jesus, took up for his own and for ours all these accents that came from a broken heart (Ps 50:19), and the Church, following him, never ceases to make them her own.

Psalmody, or the singing of the Psalms, constitutes the very substance of the liturgy of the Hours which, every four weeks, sings the Psalter again in its almost entirety (the contemplative orders take it up again in the space of a single week or two). The chants of the Mass are borrowed from the Psalms in their great majority (see Gradual); between the first two readings, a Psalm is planned (between the first reading and the Gospel, during the week). The celebration of the sacraments and sacramentals almost always involves a Psalm or a few psalm verses, so true is it that the Church needs these songs which make her walk towards the encounter with God and which give her heart in the fight against the forces of evil.




Prayers at random:

● Prayer for a new year filled with success
●3 Prayers for Perseverancewhen you feel like giving up
●Act of Hope
●Prayer to the Good Saint Anneto celebrate life
●Prayer Against Anxiety -Psalm 23
●Act of resignation to the Divine Will
●Prayer to Saint Montanus or Montanagainst strabismus
●Psalm 53 :Prayer of deliverance from all afflictions. Ask for help against those who want to harm us.
●Prayer of consecration of the familyto the Heart of Jesus
●Prayer to Saint Michael the ArchangelAfet Mass
●Psalms 67 et 68 :Against severe imprisonment and fever caused by evil influences
●Prayer for Church
●Litany for a deceased person
●A Prayer For HealingWithin a Struggling Relationship
●Psalm 56 :Against worries and anxieties. Asking for help against a set trap. Against calumnies. In favour of a helpless soul.
●Praying for priestswith the holy Curé of Ars
●Invocation to Saint Firmin or Fermin against inflammations of all kinds
●Bedtime PrayerFor Restoring Your Relationship With God
●Psalm 91against bad dreams, insomnia, nightmares and against all attacks of evil spirits
●Prayer of Liberationthrough Blessing
●Prayer for the conversion of infidels
●Psalm 100For an honest life. Against those who have a haughty eye and a proud heart. Extermination of one who secretly slanders his neighbor.
●Invocation to Saint Blaise or Blaise of Sebasteagainst the dangers of suffocating, cough, whooping cough, goiter and sore throat
●Litanies of Saint Genevieve
●Act of offering(Before Communion)

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