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All prayers Miscellaneous prayers

The prayers in this category are those that don't fit into the other categories, or that may belong to more than one group at the same time.

These prayers, like all the prayers on this site, are there to inspire you, to help you find the words and solutions to the various difficulties you face in your life or on your journey.




Prayers at random:

● Prayer for a new year filled with success
●Prayerto ask God for the grace to be able to love her
●Prayer to St. Ceciliafor Musical Collaboration
●Blessing of work instruments
●Prayer to Saint Solangefor the sick and in times of great drought
●Prayer to Orgyen Rinpoche who
●Hebrews 2This is the chapter that will make you triumph over doubt and discouragement
●Prayerfor healing
●Prayer for the familyby Pope Francis
●Prayer of deliverance in honour of the Holy Trinity(against inflammation of the optic or olfactory nerves)
●Psalm 90to protect oneself from an evil spirit or a ghost
●Prayer to the Good Saint Anneon the occasion of the Marian year
●Prayerfor a divided family
●Prayer For God'sFinancial Help
●Let Love Restin the Hollow of Our Labours
●Prayer to Saint Nicholasto deliver the innocent from the hand of judges and from the power of those who oppress them unjustly, against fires and to be preserved from death by fire
●Prayer to the Miraculous Child Jesus of PragueFifty days of indulgence each time this prayer is recited
●Prayer To Thank GodFor Those I Love and Those in Need
●Act of offering(After Communion)
●Psalm 121 :Psalm of trust in God who will bring us peace, justice and prosperity.
●Prayer to Saint Honoratus of Arlesagainst uremia and to keep snakes away
●Mantra of Avalokiteshvara Chenrézig in Tibetan(Buddha of Compassion)
●Prayer of Thanksfor My Answered Prayer
●Prayer to St. Ceciliafor Musical Joy
●Prayers to Saint Josephfor desperate causes
●Prayers of repentance to ask for forgiveness, to forgive

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