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Psalm 1 When a woman is pregnant and is afraid to have an abortion

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

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When a woman is pregnant and is afraid of having an abortion, she will write or have someone write on a piece of parchment, prepared for this purpose with pure lambskin. Write the first three verses of this Psalm together with the Holy Name hidden and the appropriate prayer below.
She will place it in a small amulet made for this purpose. She will hang the amulet around her neck with a rope so that the amulet rests on her body.
The Holy Name is EEL CHAD, and means Great, Strong, Only God and is removed from the following words: ASCHIRE verse 1, LA verse 4, JATZLIACH verse 3, VEDERCH verse 6.
The prayer is as follows:



Please, Oh REIL CHAD to allow this woman (name) ……………………………………… daughter of ……. …………………… .. cannot have abortion at this time or at any other time. Much more, allow her to have a happy childbirth and keep her healthy with the fruits of her gashes. Amen!

Psalm 1
Ps 1: 1: Blessed is the man who does not follow the counsel of the wicked, neither in the way of sinners dwell, nor in the seat of mockers sit,
Ps 1, 2: but be pleased in the law of Yahweh, but murmur his law day and night!
Ps 1, 3: He is like a tree planted by streams; which gives its fruit in season and its foliage never withers; everything he does is successful:
Ps 1, 4: for the ungodly there is nothing like it! But they are like the bale in the wind.
Ps 1: 5: So the wicked will not stand for judgment, nor sinners for the assembly of the righteous.
Ps 1, 6: For Yahweh knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked is lost.



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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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