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Prayers For Your Children

Updated : Tue 16 May 2023 AM (UTC +1)

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to God Friendship Wellness child family Guide Jesus powerful prayers Protection
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Do you need fresh energy and motivation to keep going? Do you want to start your day in Victory. Or you long to grow closer to God and improve your relationship with Him?

Prayer will do it for you!


One of the most powerful weapons of a Christian is prayer. It moves the hand of God and has the power to change the course of your life.

Praying in the morning will give you peace and the strength you need to overcome your challenges and face another day.

Yes, you will get the peace that Paul wrote about when he was a prisoner: “the peace which surpasses all understanding” – Philippians 4:7.

And the strength to endure any circumstance in accordance with Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Below are two good and powerful prayers to ask the Lord to strengthen and protect your children, which you can use daily.





Prayer #1:

Father, I come to You in the beautiful Name of Jesus
The Name that is above all things

Oh Lord, I pray for everyone in the life of my children,
be it family, friends or teachers.

I pray that you would raise up and birth spiritual heroes for them
People that they can look up to
That have integrity with a positive energy
That are living right lives

Lord, help my children to make the right friends
Let them choose godly friends that are walking with You
Friends that are smart, sober-minded and of good behavior
Friends that will have a meaningful impact in their life

Knowing that through You Oh God
all things are possible
I pray, Amen!



Prayer #2:

Dear Lord

Today I come to You in faith
knowing that through You all things are possible

I present my children before You and I ask You to guide them
Help them make good decisions
that will have a positive impact on their future
Equip them for the plans You have in store for them
Help them understand the necessity of
making time for You in prayer
Let them hear Your instructive voice
and the teaching of the wise people in their lives

Give them peace of mind and boost their confidence
while walking in this world
I pray that they would find their place in life and in society
And not wander and waste the years of their life

Help them among their friends to boldly stand up for You
being an example in words, in behavior, in love, in attitude,
in faith, and in purity

Lord, help my children to be good stewards of their abilities
And become the person You want them to be.

In the Holy name of Jesus
I pray, Amen!





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Morning PrayersBefore Work
Powerful Morning PrayersFor Success





to God

To God, the being above all, nothing is impossible. Everything is possible with him. Whatever difficulties you find yourself in, trust in him, have faith. Pray to him and he will answer you.

Prayers addressed directly to God do not go through any intermediary. He receives them as they are. Some people prefer this type of prayer where they speak, in their hearts, directly to God.




God is present everywhere. Within us and without us. Even when we think we are alone, he is there. He sees us, he listens to us. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

Like a good father with his children, he is compassionate, merciful and always ready to forgive us our failings and sins.

Let us entrust ourselves to him, ask him for the grace to be a reflection of his love for mankind. Let us entrust ourselves to him and be attentive to the different signs and messages that he sends us every day, within us or outside us through our fellow human beings.


See all the prayers of the theme: to God




As has been the case since the dawn of time and especially in our time, true friendship is not the most common thing. Most people seek friendship with people through whom they can regularly profit. Their brains are eternal calculators, always on the move. They usually go to others with dirty words but full of malice. As long as they take advantage of you, they are with you. As soon as they can no longer take advantage of you in one way or another, either because you no longer have what they want or because you have discovered their evil designs, they turn against you.



Who doesn't know the expression "A friend in need is a friend indeed"? When you have a true friend, you can be sure that you have someone to rely on.

A true friendship is sincere. It does not make calculations. They are always available and even willing to sacrifice themselves for you if necessary. A true friend is a rare find. And it is a grace for those who have found one. gathers, through the keyword "friendship", prayers to be made regularly to ask God for the grace of having true friends. Above all, be very patient, because there are malicious and pernicious people who come like lambs and who know very well how to play their game, as long as you trust them and they take advantage of it to harm you.

Pray and wait patiently for the Holy Spirit to reveal to you in his own time, the true nature, the essence of what animates the people you meet.


See all the prayers of the theme: Friendship




Well-being is what every human being naturally aspires to. The satisfaction of achieving the level of physical, psychological, social and spiritual balance that allows us to live a happy and fulfilling life is a permanent quest.



There are many obstacles to achieving well-being. Poverty, which prevents us from having our daily bread or a healthy diet, lack of regular physical activity, stress due to the vagaries of life, poor hygiene and tumultuous social relationships are all factors that hinder well-being.

To achieve and maintain permanent well-being, it is important to find a balance between work, rest and entertainment, and to engage in regular activities that involve well-being and personal development. 

Spirituality is also a very important way to help achieve and maintain permanent well-being. That is why we offer prayers on this subject to help you achieve permanent well-being.


See all the prayers of the theme: Wellness






See all the prayers of the theme: child




The family is the basic unit of society. When there is harmony in a family, its members reflect this harmony in their interactions with other families in society.

The prayers gathered here are meant to protect the family, to encourage each other to love their neighbour, peace, understanding and all that can be beneficial to society.



See all the prayers of the theme: family






See all the prayers of the theme: Guide




Jesus Christ is a central figure in Christianity. He is regarded as the incarnation of God. 

The historical existence of Jesus is attested by archaeological research and by the accounts of Roman historians (Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius).



At about the age of thirty, Jesus left Nazareth and began an itinerant public life. He calls his disciples and walks with them through Judea and Galilee. He teaches, he heals the sick, casts out demons, walks on water, forgives sins, raises the dead. He is attentive to children. He shares meals, a wedding party, pilgrimages to Jerusalem. He lives as a Jewish believer, goes to the synagogue, observes the Sabbath. He weeps, gets angry, experiences sadness, fatigue and thirst, compassion and even anguish. Jesus is known for his natural authority.

With all the miracles he performed, Jesus is the one to whom prayers should be addressed no matter what difficulties one faces.


See all the prayers of the theme: Jesus



powerful prayers



See all the prayers of the theme: powerful prayers




Protective prayers are prayers that aim to protect from the action of the forces of evil, as the name suggests. The minions of the evil one and all their spawn spend all their time attacking the children of God. By praying regularly for divine protection, you place yourself under the protection of the Most High, the One who is above all, the One before whom every knee bends. Thus, by praying the prayers of protection, God annihilates for you, in one way or another, all the attacks of malevolent forces.



By using God's power to protect you, you can embark on your endeavours with confidence that you will succeed, because God will deal with the negative forces that would try to harm you.

We all know the adage that says "the enemy never sleeps". gathers through the keyword protection, all the prayers of protection which can be useful for you for this or that situation of the life.

With these prayers, have recourse with assurance to the protection of the Almighty who will strike down all entities that would try to obstruct your projects and your undertakings.


See all the prayers of the theme: Protection







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